The FINANCIAL — In May 2015, 2,843,258 passengers flew with airberlin. The number of passengers declined by 4.3 percent in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year as a result of a reduction of flight capacity. Passengers traveling within airberlin’s global flight route network in May covered a total of 4.159 billion kilometers (RPK), i.e. a decrease of 5.3 percent in yearly comparison.
The available seat kilometers (ASK) decreased by 7.4 percent to 5.117 billion, due to selective capacity adjustments. In comparison with May 2014, the capacity utilization (RPK/ASK) over the entire flight route network developed in an especially positive manner, and increased by 1.8 percent to 81.3 percent. Furthermore, for the time period from January up to and including May 2015, capacity utilization increased by 0.6 percentage points to a total of 82.3 percent. The accumulated number of passengers decreased by 3.3 percent to a total of 11,011,919 passengers in yearly comparison, according to airberlin.
Stefan Pichler, CEO of the airberlin group, stated: “The month of May featured an increased capacity utilization over our entire flight route network, and this demonstrates that we are on the right track with regard to our business redesign. Naturally, we want to see this positive trend continue into the upcoming holiday season. To that effect, airberlin is in an excellent position on all business units.”
The revenue passenger kilometers within the first five months of 2015 decreased by a mere 1.1 percent to 17.677 billion (previous year: 17.877 billion). The available seat kilometers were reduced by 1.9 percent to 21.478 billion (previous year: 21.889 billion). Overall, airberlin can look back on a stable development for the month of May and, over the coming months, will be focusing on the consistent implementation of its business redesign.
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