The FINANCIAL — The Gazprom headquarters hosted an annual extended meeting of the Company's Coordination Committee for Informatization.
The meeting was moderated by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company's Management Committee.The meeting summarized the Informatization Strategy implementation in 2012 and defined key operating areas for the next year.
In the current year 9 information and management systems (IMS) were put into operation.
Among them is the Strategy's key system – the Corporate Data Bank (CDB) based on key performance indicators and designed to support the decision making by senior management of the Company. As Gazprom announced, during the CDB development project a comprehensive efficiency monitoring system for 25 objects was created. Among these objects are Gazprom Group, types of business, types of gas business activities and functional business processes.
On the CDB platform an Automated Workplace (AW) of the Chairman of the Management Committee was created – an analytical tool making it possible to analyze the effectiveness according to more than 500 indicators in the organizational, production, geographical and other areas on a daily, quarterly and annual basis. The AW enables management by exception, focusing on the problem areas of each controlled object via a “traffic light” display. The mentioned instrument also provides for end-to-end automated information analysis through to primary data sources.
Therefore, the AW gives the Company's executives ample efficiency management opportunities with account for rapid responses to emerging risks and the use of new prospects in rapidly changing global market conditions. During the meeting the AW operation was demonstrated in the productive system.
Moreover, in 2012 the Company put into continuous operation systems automating corporate business governance processes in mineral resource base replenishment and hydrocarbons production, processing and marketing, equipment maintenance and repair as well as procurement. The creation of a corporate IMS template for gas production subsidiaries in the volume of the first phase business processes and its pilot implementation at Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan and Gazprom Dobycha Yamburg was completed. A corporate IMS template was also created for gas transmission subsidiaries in the volume of the second phase business processes and was introduced on a pilot basis in Gazprom Transgaz Samara.
Thus, the majority of systems defined by the Strategy were completed in 2012.
The meeting noted that the key goals for 2013 would be the IMS cross-system integration, operating efficiency and support quality improvement.
“Lately, one of Gazprom's competitive advantages has been prompt managerial decision making. The widespread introduction of information management systems will permit the Company to further strengthen this competitive advantage,” said Alexey Miller.
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