The FINANCIAL — Check in Georgia project discussed in details at the joint press conference at the Iota Hotel Tbilisi.
The Head of the Georgian National Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development – Giorgi Chogovadze, the Black Sea Arena CEO – Ani Kavlilishvili, the GEM Fest founder – Giorgi Sigua, the Head of the Junior Eurovision project – Sergi Gvarjaladze, the Bravo Records President – Zaza Shengelia and Geo Tourism representative – Kristina Kobakhidze stood before the audience.
As it was noted at the press conference, together with summer tourist season, Check in Georgia enters its most active phase, which implies numerous scheduled events during this and consequent months to be held in different places including the Black Sea Arena. The Gem Fest is already underway within the Check In Georgia. Another very important event is Junior Eurovision, which Georgia will host for the very first time. Check in Georgia, upon the state support, unites different musical, sport and other events under the one concept and offers them to the interested audience.
Giorgi Chogovadze, Head of the Georgian National Tourism Administration, highlighted that the project facilitates the development of the tourism sector and encourages the inflow of new investments in the country, according to Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
“We have a record number of tourists visiting Georgia while the summer season reaches its peak and the Check in Georgia enters its most active phase. It offers a wide range of concerts and events to local as well as foreign tourists. As a result, foreign tourist will leave the country taking with them the best impressions on Georgia and this will help to increase the recognizability as well as the image of our country by positioning Georgia a safe and dynamic country,” – Chogovadze noted.
Ani Kavlelishvili, the Black Sea Arena director, said that the BSA offers many surprises on its stage including the concerts by Keti Melua, Erisioni, Georgian Voices, Irma Nioradze, Gipsy King, Nino Katamadze and other singers and musical bands.
“We are in the list of the countries, where there are number of large-scale and popular concert halls. The Black Sea Arena emerged the enormous interest among the promoters and I believe we will receive very interesting proposals from the famous artists, their promoters and promotion groups” – Ani Kavlelishvili said.
As noted before, the GEM Fest 2017 is already launched within the Check in Georgia. It is a 33 day event and will last until August 15. Over 500 artist, including the world famous electronic music stars, will perform during the GEM Fest. At the opening date, the GEM Fest hosted over 10 000 visitors.
The festival offers its audience the 24/7 non-stop music flow on its eight (8) permanent stages. GEM Fest offers over 3000 music events as well as daily sport activities.
Junior Eurovision will be held in Georgia for the very first time (in November) within the frames of the Check in Georgia as well and it will greatly contribute to increasing the recognizability of our country and attracting even more tourists.
Junior Eurovision will be live-broadcasted over 20 countries around the Europe and over 20 million people watch it. Journalist from all the participant countries will arrive to Georgia as well. This event is another spectacular opportunity to introduce Georgia, its culture and touristic capabilities to the international society.
In addition to the above-mentioned activities, the Government supports number of important musical, sport and other events under one common concept – Check in Georgia 2017. These events include the Art Gene Festival in eight regions of Georgia, the Batumi Music Festival, Tbilisi International Photo Festival, Tbilisi International Festival of Theatre, the International Advertising Festival, Telavi Music Festival, Tbilisi Baroque Festival, Jansugh Kakhidze International Music Festival, Georgian Wine Day, etc.
Several large-scale events have already been conducted within the framework of the Project including the concert of the Aerosmith at the Black Sea Arena, Sou Festival 2017, the Sofar Festival, the Ballet Festival, etc.
Project Check in Georgia has a comprehensive target on tourism development. It is an additional encouragement for tourists to visit Georgia and receive even better experience. It also plays an important role in the extension of the tourist season at the resorts as well as in increasing the recognizability of our country.
The project is also important in terms of developing the country’s image. Concerts of foreign stars promote Georgia as a dynamic and safe destination.
Check In Georgia is an outstanding project targeted at popularization of the country and the Black Sea region. It facilitates the increase in the income of local population and has significant effect on the economy.
Georgia is once again marked on the world tourist map as a solid place for holding cultural events of the international standard and it will facilitate to increase the country’s income.
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