The FINANCIAL — Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Dimitry Kumsishvili together with Minister of Agriculture, Otar Danelia hosted the Chinese journalists at the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture base in Jighaura.
The Ministers talked over the trade relations between Georgia and China, introduced the joint projects to be implemented in the future and presented the statistics of the Georgian wine export to the guests. Dimitry Kumsishvili expressed his hopes that Georgia imaged by Chinese journalists shall raise the interest of Chine people towards our country, according to Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
“During the recent years trade and economic relations with Chine are becoming more and more intensive. Chine is the third biggest trade partner to Georgia according to the data of the first eight months of the year 2015. At the same time Georgia is actively supporting the development of the tourism potential of the Silk Road. Georgia created internet portal ( in order to ease the visa application process to Chinese citizens. Through this portal Chinese citizens are able to apply to Georgian visa on-line by submitting just passport and application and they will receive electronic visa within the 5 working days,” – Dimitry Kumsishvili stated.
Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development stressed that it is very important that China finds Georgia to be the reliable partner and the main supporter in the South Caucasus region within the frames of the modern initiative – New Silk Road Economic Belt.
Minister of Agriculture Otar Danelia noted that the dialogue between China and Georgia on free trade relations is of outmost importance. According to Danelia, the amount of the Georgian wine export has increased in comparison with the previous years. He also stressed on the possibility of exporting Georgian nuts, fruit and vegetable to China and noted that it is important to establish Georgian wine promotion center in Beijing which will aim to promote Georgian culture as well as its agricultural products.
“We have significantly developed trade relations with People’s Republic of China. These relations can be developed much further and this is one of the most interesting and large-scale meeting in this format we have ever had. Quite a large number of Chinese journalists are visiting Georgia. As you might know, there is a huge interest in Georgian vines. Chinese journalist got familiar with Rtveli (Georgian vintage). The inspected our Scientific-Research Center where they could see hundreds of different, endemic and rare species of Georgian grape,” – Danelia stated.
At Jighaura base Chinese journalists became familiar with over 400 unique species of vines, the processes of grafting of vine trees and seedlings and they also had the opportunity to taste variety of Georgian wine. A press conference was held to the media, where Dimitry Kumsishvili and Otar Danelia answered the questions of Chinese journalists.
“I think Georgia should use its strategic location. The historic mission of our country is to serve as a political, economic and cultural bridge connecting Europe and Asia. Participation in the Silk Road Belt global project shall promote Georgia’s economic and trade development, establish new connections, better represent its traditions as well as investment and tourism potential,”- Dimitry Kumsishvili noted.
LEPL National Tourism Administration under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia organized the media-tour for the 28 Chinese media representatives on 15-26 September, which aims to introduce and promote Georgian culture. The tour is mainly focused on wine tourism. The journalists visited Kvareli and Sighnaghi in Kakheti region, Batumi, Gonio and Sarpi in Adjara as well as Dmanisi, Gori and historic districts of Mtskheta and Tbilisi.
In order to raise awareness about Georgia, such media-tours are of great importance. Making China people aware of Georgia’s historical and cultural values, Georgian wine and cuisine with the help of Chinese journalist and photo reporters shall be a very effective mechanism.
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