The FINANCIAL — Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Dimitry Kumsishvili and the President of China Shipping Europe Holding, Liu Zhongping discussed the issues related to the development of the Georgian transport corridor competitiveness during the meeting.
As it was mentioned, Chinese corporation, which is represented in more than 180 ports worldwide and offers nearly 80 international and domestic trade lanes, is considering the enlargement of its activities in Georgia. Representatives of Chinese corporation suggested that trade between Georgia and Black Sea countries as well as between Georgia and Asian countries shall become more intensive in the nearest future. It will result in enhancing the wide range of marine transportation services and establishing of new, high standards.
Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development, Dimitry Kumsishvili announced that on 9-10 December, the session of the Georgia-China intergovernmental commission will be held in China, where the issues related to increasing of China cargo transit through Georgia’s transport corridor as well as the establishing free trade between China and Georgia shall be discussed, according to Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
As the Minister stated, in order to support logistic companies in the local transport market, Georgia held Tbilisi Silk Road Forum on 15-16 October this year which also aimed to facilitate new Silk Road member countries to implement joint regional projects. Dimitry Kumsishvili noted that it will all result in increasing Georgia’s transit potential and attracting new partners and additional cargo flows.
Dimitry Kumsishvili paid special attention to large-scale projects, which will significantly affect the future of the Europe-Caucasus-Asia transport corridor and improving the competitiveness of. Among the others, Minister highlighted the deep water port construction project in Anaklia.
The Minister stressed the importance of the arrival of the first container train from China to Georgia in February, 2015. According to him, this is a new part of the Silk Road project, which was successfully accomplished with the active participation and support of Georgian railway, Azerbaijan railway, Kazakhstan railway and the direct participation of Chinese province of Xinjiang government. On 28 September, the second container train arrived in Georgia – the cargo covered the Silk Road route in seven days which was a record.
Upon the implementation of this project Georgia’s transport corridor capability, shipping speed and safety will significantly increase. At the same time, the quality of Georgia’s integration into the international transport system will also improve, which will result in substantial increase of the economic potential of Georgia.
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