The FINANCIAL — 89 workers of the cableways of the mountain resorts of Georgia – Bakuriani, Gudauri, Svaneti and Goderdzi, completed a 22-day training course aiming to perfect their qualification and were awarded with the relevant certificates.
The training were held within the framework of the agreement signed between the Mountain Resorts Development Company of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and one of the world’s largest companies in the field, the Doppelmayr. The Agreement envisages training courses for the staff, safe operation and exploitation of the cableways in Bakuriani, Gudauri, Goderdzi and Hatsvali resorts.
According to the Head of the Mountain Resorts Development Company of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Aleksandre Onoprishvili, training courses for the staff of the company are held annually in Georgia as well as in different European countries. “We will continue this process in the future.
According to Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, retraining of the staff working in Svaneti and Gudauri on the cableways manufactured by the French company Poma is also arranged. Specialists working in Bakuriani and Svaneti on the cableways manufactured by the Leitner has already been conducted,” – Aleksandre Onoprishvili stated.
“We are here to help you to assist you in perfecting your skills and provide you with all the necessary information. During the last three weeks we had theoretical and practical training in operations management, cableway management and evacuation systems,” – Bernd Grizner, the representative of the Doppelmayr commented.
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