The FINANCIAL — France has pledged a further EUR 6 million (CHF 6,471,320) to WTO trade-related programmes for developing countries and in particular least-developed countries (LDCs) over a period of three years (2015, 2016 and 2017).
Since 2002, France has contributed a total of EUR 24,963,531 (CHF 26,923,390) to WTO trust funds dedicated to Aid for Trade through the Enhanced Integrated Framework, the Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund and the internship programme of the Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation, according to WTO.
France’s new contribution for 2015-2017 will focus on two main programmes:
EUR 3 million will be dedicated to the Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund for technical assistance and training, to finance: i) WTO technical assistance programmes and training activities for developing countries, LDCs and economies in transition (a total of EUR 400,000 per year, or CHF 431,306) and ii) the French-Irish internship programme of the Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation (a total of EUR 600,000 per year, or CHF 646,999) dedicated to improving the technical capacities of developing countries and LDCs through training activities in Geneva.
EUR 3 million will be provided to the Enhanced Integrated Framework dedicated to trade-related capacity-building in LDCs.
WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo said:
“France’s donations will be important to help government officials and others from developing countries develop their expertise and capacity in areas related to trade policy, thereby helping their countries to participate in global trade in the long term. I welcome France’s continued generosity.”
Matthias Fekl, France’s Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, Tourism and French Nationals Abroad, said:
“France is a large contributor of Official Development Assistance. It supports in particular the efforts of developing and least-developed countries through Aid for Trade at bilateral and multilateral levels. Since 2002, France has continuously financed the WTO’s Aid for Trade programmes and has decided to renew its contribution for 2015, 2016 and 2017. This renewed commitment demonstrates the importance France attaches to strengthening the capacity of LDCs, especially through the fostering of their production and export skills so that they may benefit fully from global trade. Trade has to play its part in fighting poverty and inequalities. It is a key aspect of France’s Official Development Assistance strategy.”
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