The FINANCIAL — Freedom on the Net 2017 by the Freedom House ranks Georgia with the position that is the best position among the countries of Caucasus and Central Asia region.
According to the 100-point assessment system (where zero points means totally free and 100 points means not free) Georgia scored 24 points. It should be noted that 0 point in the ranking by the Freedom House is the best assessment while 100 point is the worst.
Georgia has the status of a “country with free internet space” according to the Report by the Freedom House. The rating scores illustrate that Georgia surpasses all countries of the region, including Azerbaijan (58 points), Armenia (32 points), Russia (66 points), Turkey (66 points), Ukraine (45 points), Belarus (64 points) and others.
In terms of the Freedom of Net, Georgia is also ahead of such developed countries as France, Italy, Singapore, Hungary, etc., according to Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
Georgia’s ranking in the Freedom of Net has significantly improved in recent years. Namely, in 2009, Georgia’s score was 43 points, in 2012 – 30 point and reached 24 point in 2017. With such high results, Georgia (having similar or a bit higher score) stands in line with such countries as Australia (21 points), Germany (20 points), United Kingdom (24 points), Japan (23 points) and others.
Freedom House report states that the increased availability of the access to the internet, including the mobile internet, has played a dramatic role in terms of the Freedom of Net in Georgia. It should be noted that the development of the high-speed LTE mobile internet has greatly contributed to the process while the infrastructure development in Georgia was accomplished in 2014-2015. The relatively simple mechanism of the registration and authorization of the information technology supplier companies should be also mentioned in this regard.
The report also stresses that the State does not censor the Internet space, Internet content is more diversified and the use of the social media is increasing both by private and public sectors. It also noted that the process of integration of the state services on a single electronic platform is being successfully implemented. In this regard, it is particularly remarkable that the project of the Business House is successful and aims to provide more than 600 public services to the private sector, both in the physical and electronic form, as well as to improve Georgia’s assessment in the relevant component.
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