The FINANCIAL — Voters tend to think President Trump has failed to deliver in his first 100 days in office, but that’s largely because Democrats are so unhappy.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 29% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Trump’s first 100 days have been a success. Forty-five percent (45%) view his first months in office as a failure, while 25% rate them as somewhere in between.
But a closer look finds that 57% of Republicans think Trump’s first 100 days have been successful versus 72% of Democrats who regard them as a failure. Eighteen percent (18%) of GOP voters say Trump has failed to date; only nine percent (9%) of Democrats think he has succeeded. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 23% say the president’s first 100 days have been a success, 43% a failure.
Twenty-eight percent (28%) of all voters think Trump has proven to be a better president than they expected. Only slightly more (31%) say he’s done worse than they expected. Thirty-nine percent (39%) feel his performance has been about what they thought it would be.
Trump’s job approval rating in Rasmussen Reports’ Daily Presidential Tracking Poll has ranged from a high of 59% shortly after his January 20 inauguration to a low of 43% in early April. By comparison, President Obama’s daily approval rating was running in the mid-50s at this early stage of his presidency.
Democrats continue to struggle with Trump’s surprise win over Hillary Clinton last November, blaming everything from the FBI and the Russians to a hatred of women for her defeat. While 55% of all voters believe Trump won the election fairly, 61% of Democrats disagree.
Fifty-two percent (52%) of Republicans think Trump has been a better president so far than they expected, but just 10% of Democrats and 22% of unaffiliated voters agree.
Men are happier than women with the job that Trump is doing. Blacks and other minority voters are more critical of the president than whites are.
Those under 40 are more likely than their elders to consider Trump’s first 100 days somewhere in between a success and a failure.
Higher-income voters are more likely than those who earn less to think the president is failing so far.
While most Democrats (70%) think Trump will have a negative impact on GOP candidates running for Congress this year, 60% of Republicans think his presidency will bolster those candidates.
Just under half (48%) of all voters give Trump poor marks for leadership, and most (57%) say he is too confrontational.
By the same token, voters believe the president is more likely than either of the major national political parties to have a plan for where he wants to take the nation.
Support for the president’s actions and proposals generally breaks down along partisan lines, with Republicans enthusiastic, Democrats strongly opposed and unaffiliated voters lukewarm. Cases in point include Trump’s nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court, his hardline response to North Korea, his proposal to drastically cut the corporate tax rate and his effort to temporarily freeze the flow of refugees and visa admissions from several Middle Eastern and African countries.
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