The FINANCIAL — The Georgian Tourism Association, uniting leading private travel companies in Georgia, is creating an informational database about Georgia’s tourism industry. This will help travel professionals to attract more tourists, says Nata Kvachantiradze, Director of GTA.
She says it will also help tourists to get detailed information about travel destinations and infrastructure in Georgia. GTA is also planning to create a unique quality rating system for local hotels.
GTA has a tight relationship with the Department of Tourism and Resorts of Georgia, According to Kvachantiradze. She says that the Department has already started cooperation with Irish Buzz TV, which will make a promotional movie about Georgia.
“First of all correct and active promotion should be done on the international market; the level of hotel services needs to be improved however. It’s also important to create a proper tourism infrastructure,” says Kvachantiradze. She says that the information on Georgia available on the internet is not quite enough for future development.
“Since the very day of its establishment GTA has been oriented on supporting tourism development in Georgia. In this regard the association is working with public and international organizations in order to develop and implement different projects.”
“GTA has a tight relationship with the Department of Tourism and Resorts of Georgia. This is all being expressed in implementing different arrangements and projects mutually together with the Department of Tourism.”
“GTA together with the Department worked on the concept of a tourism informational centre that will be presented soon. Recently we organized the Vardzia Adventure Race.”
“GTA is partnered with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and together with SDC, GTA implemented the project Vardzia Adventure Race in Samtskhe-Javakheti. We plan to organize such arrangements in Kazbegi and Racha regions too.”
“Our partners are Azerbaijani and Armenian tourism associations with whom we implemented different joint projects. We also have relations with the Agency of Protected territories and Eurasia Partnership foundation, with whom we organized Eko-Project on protected territories in Georgia.”
Q. Which are the most attractive places in Georgia for foreign tourists?
A. There are many regions in Georgia which currently play and will play a huge role in the development of tourism in Georgia. The Samtskhe-Javakheti region is very important for example.
Zemo Svaneti, Pshav-Khevsureti, Tusheti, Racha, the protected territories of Borjomi-Kharagauli, Lagodekhi, Vashlovani, Algeti, Myvirala and so on, these are also very attractive places with their own unique flora and fauna.
Q. Out of domestic and incoming tourism which is more developed and why?
A. Domestic tourism is more developed. After the August war last year, demand for incoming tourism significantly decreased. The global financial crisis has raised the number of local tourists and this is evident in the number of family holidays so too in the number of people who want to travel to Georgia.
Currently the number of tourists visiting Georgia from abroad is increasing.
This year the winter resorts in Georgia were distinguished with their high number of local tourists. A very large number of foreign tourists visited Gudauri and Bakuriani as well.
“Despite the economic crisis, the tourism season is continuing, but not on such wide scales as in previous years. The Government should support activities that encourage people to travel.
The role of the Government should be more active. Tourism, as one of the most important branches for economic development, is most hit by political instability. There is also a lot to do in regards to health and safety, because the first accent in tourism is made equally on a country’s sights as on a country’s safety.
Q. In your view, is Georgia popular enough for foreign tourists to travel to?
A. After the Russo-Georgian war in August, Georgia became famous in almost every corner of the world but as a place for tourism there is a still a lot of work to be done in regards to promotion.
Q. What can you say about hotel accommodation in Georgia, do they satisfy international standards?
A. As of yet hotels in Georgia do not satisfy international standards. In this regard, the Association together with the Department of Tourism and Resorts is working on creating a united quality mark and with joint forces we may increase service quality and level.
Q. Georgia has reach history and tradition. This is the country where Europe started. But do you think that this is what tourists want to experience? Can you list the main advantages of Georgia as the tourist destination? Compare it with other countries.
A. Georgia is indeed a country with ancient history. We have rich cultural heritage, architectural and archaeological monuments, and diverse natural resources. Many countries would like to have the nature that Georgia has. In one day you can relax on the sunny beaches of black sea, ski in the mountains and the next moment you are in a place which offers unpredictable bundle of surprises. Isn’t it amazing?
But all this would be nothing without Georgian traditions. The amazing spirit of Georgian hospitality and superb wines make the tourists stay in Georgia a unique experience. This is what I think attracts tourists.
Q. Why should foreign tourists visit Georgia, what is remarkable in this country?
A. Georgia has a lot of potential in terms of becoming a major tourist destination in our region. What I mean is not only the cultural tourism, but also adventure, wine tourism and ecotourism in general. Another important aspect is the seasonality of Georgian resorts. Seasonal variation in demand is a reality for most tourism destinations. To challenge seasonality or to work within its constraints is a destination management issue that faces tourism planners throughout the world. But for Georgia this not a problem because we have resorts where you can go in autumn, winter, spring and summer.
Q. What can you as the Head of the Georgian Travel Association suggest and advise to the foreign tourists planning their summer travel? How much will it cost to travel to Georgia? How expensive is the accommodation in Tbilisi? What sights should they visit in Georgia?
A. Unfortunately prices at the hotels in Georgia are too high. Due to global financial crisis hotels worldwide have started offering different discounts that are more and more important for travelers. For this reason local hotels should start thinking about lowering prices too, to increase number of their clients.
Q. What does GTA do at the moment for attracting tourists?
A. GTA’s priority is to promote inner tourism. In this regard we are concentrating our efforts on regional development. Presently we are implementing n eco-project, which entails managing the infrastructure, marking new tourist routes and creating new products on preserved territories. This will enhance bringing more local and foreign tourists.
Also we have just recently finished the making of two promotion clips on Samtskhe-Javakheti. These clips will be shown in new Tourist Information Centre.
Q. Do you think that Armenian tourists will continue coming to Georgian Black Sea resorts? Does the service level in Batumi, Kobuleti and Ureki correspond to their demand?
A. Geographical proximity and low prices are extremely important attributes of tourism. Armenian and Azerbaijan tourists were very active last. This year they are also coming to seaside resorts of Georgia. It seems that low prices here are making Georgian seaside resorts more preferable for them than traveling to other countries.
Q. Can you name festivals planned for 2009 and 2010?
We have many new festivals that were renovated for attracting more attention of both Georgians and foreigners, for example Wine Festival in Kakheti, Khinkali Festival in Tianeti, Mtsvadi Festival in Lagodekhi, etc. As for August there will be a Golden Fleece Festival held in Batumi.
Q. Are the prices that Georgian hotels offer to tourists acceptable?
As I’ve already mentioned prices at hotels in Georgia are very high, especially during this financial crisis. For this reason our association is advising the hotels to work out efficient discount systems. This will facilitate attracting more clients.
Q. How insured is foreign tourist while being in Georgia and can we name Georgia as a safe place to travel?
Despite the blurry political situation in Georgia we can still name Georgia as a safe place for tourists. The image of safety is very easy to hurt and it needs time to rehabilitate. Department of Tourism is working on recovering the image that Georgia had, but the role of the state in regulating this issue should rapidly increase.
Written By Tako Khelaia
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