The FINANCIAL — Twenty-three percent of Heidelberg’s household heads are thirty years old or younger. This is twice the national average (11.5 percent) for this age segment.
Other top-ranked locations in terms of young households are the university cities of Leipzip, Jena and Dresden, each of which has more than 20 percent of this household type. The other districts in the top-ten ranking have a share of young households from 1.6 to 1.7 times the national average.
Young households are especially well represented in cities with a strong university presence. By contrast, the highest share of senior households is typically in rural areas, particularly in eastern Germany. The highest share of this demographic can be found in the urban district of Suhl in Thuringia: 46 percent of all household heads in this location are 60 years or older. Senior households are distributed much more evenly than young households. The deviation of 1.3 times the German average in the urban district of Suhl is the highest in the nation.
The share of senior households in the rural district of Miltenberg and the urban district of Kaiserslautern is around 36 percent, which puts it right at the national average.
Around 260 of Germany’s 402 districts have an above-average share of senior households. By contrast, just under 100 of Germany’s districts have an above-average share of young households.
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