The FINANCIAL — Have you ever had reason to dislike a product or service and after that had the chance to make a complaint? If so, you are among the 5 out of 100 interviewed who have actually sent complaints to company addresses.
The FINANCIAL — Have you ever had reason to dislike a product or service and after that had the chance to make a complaint? If so, you are among the 5 out of 100 interviewed who have actually sent complaints to company addresses.
The majority of customers who dislike a product or service do not complain. According to the survey by The FINANCIAL 95% of those interviewed, said that they have never complained about an inadequate service or product received by a company.
Out of them the majority, 60%, admitted they had the desire to complain but were not sure if anyone would listen and act on the issue. Moreover, 40% of those interviewed said they would never again do business with companies they disliked the service of.
The majority of companies interviewed by The FINANCIAL said they have a customer service centre where individuals can phone for any further information concerning a product and service provided by entities.
“Bank Republic operates a modern call centre 24 hours, 7 days a week. Any concerned individual can receive competent answers about banking solutions, credit and deposit terms and other services and receive any kind of assistance regarding his/her financial transactions,” said Tata Shavdia, Head of the PR and Communications Department at Bank Republic, Societe Generale Group.
“Customer care is one of the core values of Beeline. As the number of our customers is constantly increasing, we are paying greater attention to this issue.
In terms of business development, we consider customer satisfaction a worthy issue and word of mouth is becoming one of the main drivers of business in general, especially in Georgia where it has been a really big issue in the past to receive good service or be served by helpful staff,” declared Teona Bagdavadze, Head of the Public Relations division at Beeline Georgia.
MGroup has its own customer communication centre. The company said it systematically evaluates customer satisfaction, analyses information and allocates special departments for response.
Populi has offered the new card system Pop-Art card for a more efficient relationship with its clients, which include gifts for gathering points on the card as well as the purchase of special products.
For the efficiency of service and customer satisfaction the company implemented a hotline for the loyalty card, which serves as a provider of any type of information concerning the Pop-Art card.
Receiving feedback is one of the key issues in the evaluation of customer satisfaction and the quality of service. Companies have said they are actively engaged in receiving feedback from clients for efficient customer service.
“We have special customer satisfaction evaluation forms which customers fill in after receiving the service,” declared Tako Nibladze, Public Relations Manager at MGroup.
Bagdavadze said Beeline is trying to receive as much feedback from customers as possible.
“We have several channels of communication for customer service. Among them are: our call centre 0611 which you can call from your mobile or landline from any corner of the world and receive any kind of information about our services, prices and help about technical issues.
We also have another number for our costumers – 7777, for those who want to receive general information about anything, weather, currency, flight information and so on. We also have a new initiative about customer care which enables any customer who is not satisfied with the services in our office to leave their feedback on the short number 1123,” added Bagdavadze.
“Usually we do not insist on feedback from clients after a call is completed, but we have implemented tools that give clients the opportunity to express their satisfaction. The feedback is really intensive and we are pleased to say that it is mainly positive. The feedback from clients is a very effective method of improving our services and reaching service excellence,” declared Shavdia, Bank Republic.
The feedback at Bank Republic is mainly generated through an e-mail specially dedicated to service quality (, telephone and online chat, being distinguished as a very comfortable, convenient way of interaction between the Bank and clients.
“For Nikora it is very important to make customers satisfied as their satisfaction is key to company success,” said Giga Batkuashvili, PR Manager of Nikora.
“Consequently we systematically become aware of customer opinions, as we periodically conduct market researches. The company uses focus groups where loyal customers as well as those of our competitors are invited. The participants take part in a blind test of product tasting after which there are discussions, and all opinions and notices are later considered,” added Batkuashvili.
At Nikora tastings are periodically conducted, after which the company has the opportunity to get acquainted with a customer’s attitude towards production.
In all Populi chains there are special questionnaires as well as boxes where clients can express their opinions. The information will be divided by the operations department and different types of decisions will be taken.
“The manager of the shop and administrator are obliged to spent 80% of the day in the hall and observe clients, talk to them and ask questions in different directions. The accumulated information will be discussed at meetings after which management can easily understand a customer’s wishes and implement changes,” said Lika Mikautadze, PR Manager at Populi.
The companies use all types of communication tools to better reach society. However phone calls still lead among communication methods.
“With the growth of the impact of online ambiance on society, we try to use as many online communication tools with our clients as possible. At you can find different kinds of pages which help us to be as near to our customers as possible.
We have a sheet of useful numbers, you can also leave your feedback on our page as well as ask questions to the customer care representative who will give you an answer in the form you prefer (either telephone or e-mail),” declared Bagdavadze.
Most people want to get information about new offers from Beeline as well as there being great interest in network coverage extension issues.
At Bank Republic current and potential clients are interested in banking products and solutions such as credit and deposit terms, cards, credit cards, technical issues and follow-up assistance.
“BR call centre is ready to provide very competent consultations and advice tailor-made to a client’s interest and needs,” said Shavdia.
According to Bagdavadze, the most popular tool of communication at Beeline is still the customer care number 0611. “We are also working on offering new means of communication to our customers, which will enable them to make our services more comfortable for them,” she added.
As for Populi, the communication tool most used by the clients is telephone as it is the most convenient form of communication.
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