If you’ve been recently injured as the result of someone else’s negligence or actions, you may be considering a personal injury lawsuit. A personal injury lawsuit holds the other person accountable and allows you to receive financial compensation for the accident. When going through this process, it’s important to get as much as you can, as you deserve a fair settlement for your pain and suffering. Below, we’ll outline a few tips you can use to maximize your financial compensation in a personal injury lawsuit.
Preserve Evidence
The most important thing you can do in any personal injury situation is preserve evidence. The stronger the evidence you have for your claim, the more you’ll be able to get in financial compensation. There are many things that could count as evidence in your lawsuit. For example, in a car accident, evidence might include dashcam footage, a police report, or pictures of the accident scene. For other types of accidents, you might need medical records, witness statements, or security footage.
As soon as you’re able, work to secure as much evidence as you can. Store all of this evidence in a safe location so that you have it when you need it. It’s better to have too much evidence when negotiating a personal injury settlement than not enough, so collect all that you can.
Work with an Attorney
Another important thing you can do in any personal injury case is work with an experienced attorney. An experienced attorney can provide guidance in a number of ways, such as what evidence you’ll need, what paperwork you need to file, court deadlines, and much more. Going through a personal injury case is often a complicated process and having someone on your side that knows the ins and outs of the business is extremely valuable.
In many cases, you’ll want a lawyer because the other side is refusing to pay or isn’t paying enough to cover your damages. According to Chopin Law Firm, a group of personal injury lawyers from New Orleans, “Keep in mind that insurance companies are businesses that need to make a profit. A common insurance company tactic is to avoid paying out as many claims as possible, even if this means wrongfully denying or undervaluing perfectly valid claims.” You’re entitled the financial compensation and a good lawyer will help to ensure that you receive it in a timely manner.
Factor in Future Damages
When calculating how much you think you deserve in a personal injury settlement, it’s essential that you factor in future damages. For example, let’s say you were recently in a car accident, which required that you visit the hospital. As a part of your damages, you’re requesting compensation for your hospital bills. However, due to the severity of your injuries, you could be visiting doctors or physical therapists for months or years after. In situations like this, it’s important that you factor in any costs you expect to incur in the future as a result of the accident.
Calculating these costs can be a little tricky. Talk with your doctor about your long-term prognosis and how many visits you might need in the future. Then use this estimate, and the average cost of a visit, to calculate how much you might be spending in the future. You can then include this final estimate in your total settlement asking to better reflect the bills you’re going to need to pay in the future.
Stay Off Social Media
One often overlooked item during personal injury cases is social media. If you are in a personal injury lawsuit, the other side is going to do everything it can to reduce how much they need to pay out. One way they will seek to do this is by downplaying the extent of your injuries.
To avoid giving your opposition any ammunition, it’s a good idea to refrain from using social media until you receive a settlement. Even a simple post about enjoying your day could help the defendants demonstrate that your injuries aren’t that severe, even if they are. The less you can post on social media while waiting for a settlement, the likely better off you’ll be.
Find Similar Cases
Finally, if you’re having trouble determining how much to ask for in your personal injury case, try finding similar cases. You can find many personal injury cases online, which include the details of the accident and how much the plaintiff received in damages. If you can find a case similar to your own in terms of the severity of the injuries and the circumstances of the accident, you can use this as a starting point for your own personal injury case. You may also be able to use these cases as evidence, demonstrating that your asking amount is uncommon for similar cases.
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