The FINANCIAL — On 23-24 March, a seminar entitled “Biosecurity – Fundament for Animal Health” addressing the most successful solutions for controlling animal infectious diseases took place in Riga. It was organised by the Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with the European Commission’s Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX).
“The seminar confirmed once more that the “prevention is better than cure” concept plays a decisive role in ensuring animal health and well-being,” pointed out one of the seminar moderators, Antra Briņķe, Deputy Director of the Veterinary and Food Department at the Ministry of Agriculture.
The seminar discussed the significance of biosecurity and its impact on animal health as a very important element of prevention. Experts shared their experience of biosecurity systems implemented in different European countries. The participants also considered biosafety measures relating to topical animal infectious diseases in the EU Member States: foot-and-mouth disease/bluetongue (cattle, sheep and goats), African swine fever (pigs), and highly pathogenic avian influenza (poultry).
One of the most important subjects was the analysis of biosecurity measures in pig breeding, with a particular emphasis on biosecurity in backyard pig holdings. Latvian experts shared their experience acquired during the eradication of African swine fever in Latvia.
The most significant conclusions are that, in order to improve biosecurity, deeper knowledge is required of good agricultural practice, animal infectious disease risks, disease prevention in animal groups, and measures in the case of suspected disease. To acquire the necessary knowledge, information and training should be provided. At the seminar, the importance of cooperation among governmental institutions, animal owners, carriers, veterinary practitioners, public organisations and local governments was particularly emphasised.
Apart from the EU Member States, the seminar also brought together specialists from the EU candidate countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey) and experts from third countries bordering the EU (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia Moldova and Ukraine).
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