The FINANCIAL — “The number of investments in Georgia is increasing”, “A larger amount of investments has entered Georgia compared with last year”,” Georgia will have had more than USD 1 billion of investments by the end of the year” – such positive assessments are often being made in the media.
The FINANCIAL — “The number of investments in Georgia is increasing”, “A larger amount of investments has entered Georgia compared with last year”,” Georgia will have had more than USD 1 billion of investments by the end of the year” – such positive assessments are often being made in the media.
There is another side to the story though, “If investments are entering Georgia then why aren’t incomes and employment in the country increasing?”, “The state is the biggest investor”, “Capital flow is increasing”.
Starting up a business in Georgia is very easy but actually running a business is very hard. There are cheap but unqualified workers – hence the expensive running costs. Georgia is open to foreign business but for Georgian business the widest markets including Russia, the European Union and United States remain as yet largely inaccessible.
There are free economic zones in Georgia, but they simply exist. There is a lower tax rate but fines and utility costs are higher. Infrastructure is improved; there is a low level of corruption but expensive capital. Georgia has natural resources and there are many free niches but innovative potential is quite low. Custom clearance procedure takes a few minutes and documents are available electronically but there is a low degree of competition.
According to the ‘Doing Business 2012’ rate Georgia is first out of Armenia and Azerbaijan but occupies last place in ‘Received Investment Volume’. In 2011, USD 980 million of investments entered Georgia, compared to the USD 1 billion in Armenia and USD 3 billion in Azerbaijan.
Out of the various components of doing business we have good indicators in property registration; starting up business, construction permits and parts of the trade barriers. There are slightly difficult indicators when it comes to energy efficiency, paying taxes, closing down a business and defending property rights.
With revenue of 85% it is fairly safe to say that only large business exists in Georgia. Small business is an issue. I am far from the opinion that the government should care for the development of business, grant privileges, search for key markets and give cheap capital to them. Extra care always ends with bigger disappointment. The government certainly shouldn’t hinder business and should at the least ensure property protection and maintain political stability. The government should make the tax system more liberal and then business will take care of the rest itself.
Investment employs people if it is spent in the opening of plants and creation of new products. Purchasing land or real estate is an investment therefore but in this case added value isn’t set up, manufacturing is not created and the owner often waits for a price increase in order to sell profitably. This is a speculating form of investment which reflects in economic growth but doesn’t increase employment and incomes.
Savings are important for development. Investments turn into savings when they are put in the real sector. Savings lead to capital, create cheap resources for business and increase investments.
The largest amount of investments in the first quarter of 2012 was made in processing manufacturing. It’s very important as added value is created exactly here, after which comes the financial sector, transport and communications.
USD 269 million capital entered Georgia in the first quarter of 2012, that is 55% more in comparison with the same period of last year. The biggest amount of capital entering Georgia was from Germany – USD 131 million. During the same period USD 116 million capital left Georgia with the biggest amount going to the Netherlands, totalling USD 105 million. 21,144 new companies were registered between January-May 2012.
Still, the most important issue is – why isn’t more capital entering Georgia? And why isn’t the increased investment inflow reflected in the incomes of every individual in the country and their improved lifestyles? I think the point lies in the low activity of the business sector and lack of qualifications. More people should think about their own business, education, select the right priorities for them and develop in the field which they like the most.
So the answer is simple – make the investment in yourself. Develop your opportunities and work on your weaknesses. Investing in yourself doesn’t just mean starting university studies. There are people who have graduated from as many as two universities yet work as taxi drivers. Then there are those people who don’t have a university degree yet have become successful businessmen.
It’s a well known fact that 20% of American millionaires didn’t receive formal education, yet nobody expects so-called ‘uneducated’ people to be millionaires.
The world’s richest person Carlos Slim started business when he was studying at school, but didn’t think about going on to study at university. Up there with the other ‘lesser-educated’ millionaires is Eike Batista, the Brazilian millionaire who studied for a time at one of Germany’s universities but left his studies prematurely.
Larry Ellison, who was studying at the University of Illinois, also dropped out of university early. Instead he studied programming independently, established his own company where just eight people were employed at first and now represents the famous business corporation Oracle. The list of ‘uneducated’ businessmen includes Bill Gates and Michael Delli, who wanted to become a doctor but at the age of 19 gave up studying and started thinking of creating his own business instead.
The number of people who have achieved success without university education is fairly small, as people with such considerable natural talent are the exception, not the rule. While creating their own success these people have been in a daily process of learning and have continued in that vein till today. Staying at the same place in their business amounts to suicide. They are in a constant process of development, in order stay in touch with the business and the newest demands of technology.
You often hear that there is a big problem of unemployment in Georgia but the main reason for this problem is the lack of qualified employees. So this is your chance.
The main point is constant work on yourself, permanent increase of working level and being oriented on development. Everything can be done in a better way than it has been done before. The more you do the more you receive. You should completely remove the word ‘impossible’ from your dictionary. Mistakes are only done by those who do nothing, do and be risky, you will always manage to find excuses otherwise; everything that happens in life is a success of some sort. If you want to do something, do it with conviction.
Make yourself believe – “I want this so I will get it!” Most importantly is to know what we want and the rest will be achieved with hard work. Spend your time and energy in developing the most dynamic, mature version of yourself. Success can’t exist without trust; a crisis means new opportunities. Search and you will find, always keep informed; more information means more capital. And remember the most important thing of all: despite everything, your success depends on your own merit!
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