The FINANCIAL — The total value of trading in equities on the Main Market was PLN 20.5 billion in August 2014, an increase of 0.1% year on year. The incremental value of the Electronic Order Book decreased modestly (by 4.7%) to PLN 138.2 billion in January-August 2014. The average number of transactions per session was 55.2 thousand in January-August 2014, an increase of 13.9% year on year.
The incremental value of trading in equities on NewConnect increased by 15.2% year on year and stood at PLN 804.6 million in January-August 2014. The value of the Electronic Order Book on NewConnect was PLN 677.6 million in January-August 2014, an increase of 23.1% year on year. The average number of transactions per session was 3.1 thousand in August 2014, an increase of 24.5% year on year.
20 June 2014 was the last trading day of WIG20 futures contracts with a multiplier of PLN 10. Only WIG20 futures contracts with a multiplier of PLN 20 are in trading as of 23 June 2014. For data comparability, the historical volume of trading in WIG20 futures with a multiplier of PLN 10 (before 23 June 2014) was divided by 2 in the index contract line of the table attached to the press release. After the correction, the volume of trading in index contracts increased by 17.1% year on year and stood at 329.4 thousand in August 2014.
The value of bond issues listed on Catalyst was PLN 67.6 billion in August 2014, an increase of 15.1% year on year. The value of the Electronic Order Book was PLN 192.8 million in August 2014, an increase of 55.2% year on year. The average number of transactions per session was 4.7 thousand in August 2014, an increase of 8.7% year on year.
The total value of trading on TBSP increased by 35.8% year on year to PLN 65.3 billion in August 2014. A year-on-year increase in the value of trading was reported both for cash and conditional transactions (by 36.3% and 35.4% respectively).
The value of trading in structured products increased by 157.6% year on year and stood at PLN 63.8 million in August 2014.
The incremental volume of trading in electricity was 114.1 TWh in January-August 2014, an increase of 9.3% year on year. The volume of trading in property rights increased year on year and stood at 2.03 TWh in August 2014. The total volume of trading in gas was record-high at 29.5 TWh in August 2014, more than double the incremental volume of trading in gas on PolPX since the launch of the market (in December 2012) until July 2014 inclusive.
The capitalisation of 413 domestic companies listed on the Main Market was PLN 604 billion (EUR 143.37 billion) at the end of August 2014.
The total capitalisation of 462 domestic and foreign companies listed on the WSE Main Market was PLN 895.14 billion (EUR 212.47 billion) at the end of August 2014.
The companies JWW Invest and SferaNET were newly listed on NewConnect in August 2014. The total value of the IPOs was PLN 0.65 million.
Bonds of the companies CUBE.ITG, Wierzyciel and Mirbud were newly listed on Catalyst in August 2014. The total value of the bonds newly listed on Catalyst in August 2014 was PLN 30.9 million.
WSE held 20 trading sessions in August 2014, one less than in August 2013.
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