The FINANCIAL — The Kyiv city state administration has decided to introduce GPS systems to control service transport of municipal enterprise and private carriers' taxi-buses, the city state administration said.
In particular, the GPS systems will be installed on the vehicles belonging to Kyivavtodor, Kyivpastrans, Kyivtransparkservis, Kyivzelenbud, Kyivdorservis, Auto Transport Enterprise, Kyiv Municipal Automobile Enterprise-2737, Kyivmedavtotrans, and the General directorate for servicing foreign representations.
The administration appointed Kyivdorservis as the customers and fixer of the GPS systems.
After the installation, the GPS systems will be taken on books by the enterprises-owners of the transport.
As Ukrainian News earlier reported, in February 2007, the Kyiv city council endorsed the development of automated systems on control over transport in Kyiv for 2007-2009.
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