The FINANCIAL — According to the operating data as of July 14, 2015 Kyrgyzstan agricultural producers are holding mass harvesting of grains.
It is reported that owing the favorable weather conditions being faced on the territory of the Batken, Osh, Chuy, Jalal-Abad provinces the harvesting campaign temps are ahead of the last year, according to APK Inform.
Thus in general the agrarians of the Republic harvested grains throughout 100.8 thsd ha or 21.3% of the harvesting area, up 30.9 thsd ha of the last year rate, including wheat – 56.2 thsd ha (18.9%), barley – 44.6 thsd ha (25.5%).
Grains average yield totaled 2.41 t/ha (+0.06 t/ha), general production reached 243.3 thsd tonnes which is double result of last year rate. Thus wheat harvested volumes totaled 150.8 thsd tonnes, barley – 92.5 thsd tonnes.
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