The FINANCIAL — August was characterized as a month of decrease in activity of brands, but in September a situation has considerably changed as the activity has increased almost on 40 % in comparison with August.
The general frequency of mentions of mobile operators in 2010/IX composed 334 units, which is the highest index during 8 month of the account period
The expressed suspicion that a covering of activity of company Geocell by competitors will be difficult has been confirmed by media survey's results. In the last account period, the sum frequency of this brand mentioning equalize to 131 units, which has exceed of the findings of Beeline (95) and Magti (108)
As to a total sum of frequency of a mention of brands in a current of 8-months, any radical changes in arrangement of the companies haven't revealed. Despite that that, radical changes in an index the quantity isn't fixed, the highest frequency of a mention again has company Beeline (627), than comes Magti (602) and Geocell (590)
Frequency of mention of Geocell in September has sufficiently increased and this company is the leader of this month among competitors. Despite this fact, this company hadn't achieved to cover the overall activity of frequency of companies Magti and Beeline.
Hyperactivity of competitors in June could become one of the reasons of it.
If to provide that fact that company "Geocell" won't reduce activity in a current of the next 2 months, because of the project "Geostar", till the end of the year this company can become MEDIA leader of this segment.
Exclusively for The FINANCIAL
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