The FINANCIAL — Most voters agree that it’s bad for America and bad for the Democratic Party if Democrats continue to flat out oppose everything President Trump does. Even Democrats are conflicted about their party’s scorched earth policy.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 29% of all Likely U.S. Voters think it’s better for the country if Democrats oppose the president in every way possible. Sixty-three percent (63%) say it’s better for the country if Democrats try to work with the president instead.
The findings are identical when voters are asked about the impact of the Democrats’ reported strategy on the fortunes of their own party. Just 29% say it’s better for the Democratic Party if Democrats oppose the president in every way possible. Sixty-three percent (63%) disagree and think it’s better for the party if Democrats try to work with Trump.
Forty-four percent (44%) of Democrats feel it’s better for both the country and their party if they oppose the new president as much as possible. But 46% say it’s better for America if Democrats try to work with Trump, and 45% say it’s better for their party, too.
Most voters blame disagreements between Trump and congressional Democrats on politics alone but don’t think the ongoing protests against the new president are going to make any difference.
Sizable majorities of Republicans and voters not affiliated with either major party agree that the country and the Democratic Party are better off if Democrats try to work with the president.
Most voters in nearly every demographic category think it’s bad for the country and bad for Democrats if they totally oppose Trump and his agenda.
Most self-described politically liberal voters, however, believe it is better for America and better for the Democratic Party to fight the president in every way possible. An overwhelming majority of conservatives and most moderates disagree.
Over 90% of voters who Strongly Approve of the job the president is doing say it’s bad for the country and for Democrats to totally oppose Trump. Among voters who Strongly Disapprove of the president’s job performance, 60% say it’s better for the country and 58% think it’s better for the Democratic Party if Democrats oppose the president in every way possible.
Just after the election in November, 64% of Democrats said it is more important for their party to stand up for what it believes in rather than work with the new president. Thirty-two percent (32%) disagreed and said Democrats should work with Trump.
But a majority of all voters – including half of Democrats – say Democrats in Congress won’t be able to halt the president’s agenda.
Eighty-three percent (83%) believe Trump is likely to reverse or abolish most of President Obama’s accomplishments.
Forty-five percent (45%) of voters say the country is headed in the right direction. That compares to 29% a year ago and is higher than during any week of Obama’s presidency.
Bernie Sanders has the edge, but it’s a close contest when Democrats are asked who should be the party’s nominee against Trump if he seeks reelection in 2020. One-quarter of all voters, however, say the party should look for a new face.
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