The FINANCIAL — The entire ISO 14000 family of environmental management standards, plus a collection of publications related to sustainability, have just been released by ISO on a new CD, ISO standards for the green economy.
The CD provides a "one-stop shop" for ISO standards for helping organizations to tackle environmental challenges. It has been launched to coincide with and follow up the Rio+20 Conference, at which ISO is holding a side event to highlight the contributions its standards can make towards sustainability.
According to ISO, the CD includes the entire current portfolio (30 International Standards or related documents, plus a technical corrigendum) developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental management. These include ISO 14001 on environmental management systems, which is implemented in some 155 countries, and the ISO 14064 and ISO 14065 standards for greenhouse gas accounting and reporting.
An added bonus is the recent ISO 20121:2012, Event sustainability management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, which supports the organizers of events of all types (sporting, business, cultural, political) in integrating sustainability with their activities. It was developed by ISO project committee, ISO/PC 250, Sustainability in event management.
In addition to the standards, the CD includes the following ISO brochures on its work addressing the economic, environmental or social aspects of sustainability: Environmental management – The ISO 14000 family of International Standards. Win the energy challenge with ISO 50001. Social responsibility Discovering ISO 26000. Rio +20 – Forging action from agreement – How ISO standards translate good intentions about sustainability into concrete results. GHG schemes addressing climate change – How ISO standards help. Sustainable events with ISO 20121.
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