The FINANCIAL — Panasonic India, a key player in the entire ISAMEA (India, South Asia, Middle East & Africa) region with a strong manufacturing hub that currently exports to 16 countries is aggressively foraying into local manufacturing and development of appliances.
Transforming its business model to offer disruptive technologies in the field of IoT, Mobility, Artificial Intelligence (AI) etc., Panasonic India announced its first India Innovation Centre (IIC). The Centre of Excellence (CoE) in association with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a world leader in the Information Technology, is under the aegis of IIC and also, the first innovation hub from India, Bengaluru. The platform will bring the best minds from the country together to develop transformative solutions on Panasonic’s five key focus areas – Connected/ Community, Mobility, Energy, Industrial and Finance Solutions. This state of the art facility will be located at the TCS – Bengaluru.
The CoE will focus on open Innovation in the Consumer Electronic space and leverage the technology already available with Panasonic India, and create Geography centric USPs to develop innovative solutions. TCS will bring in Industry know-how, best & global Innovation practices, and create an ecosystem for Panasonic to shape the future product strategy, and enable in digital transformation, according to Panasonic.
Mr. Daizo Ito, Chairman & Regional Head ISMEA Region & Sr. Vice President, Eco Solution Co. said, “Centre of Excellence is the first leg for India Innovation Centre and will be based in Bengaluru. One of the key focus of this enterprise will be to bring together the Panasonic’s research and development efforts under one cohesive umbrella. This will also strengthen India’s position as a critical region for the corporation to lead innovations in the ISAMEA (India, South Asia, Middle East and Africa) market. It will work as a hub that will be central to developing new age technology driven range of products that will emerge from India for both domestic and global consumption. “
“We strongly believe that a holistic Innovation Centre is a key step towards Panasonic India’s vision of being an autonomous body for the entire ISAMEA (India, South Asia, Middle East and Africa) region and will drive innovations for a smart future. The consumer trends and behaviour to a large extent is similar across these markets, giving India an edge to lead the innovation in this space. Our association with TCS, a credible and global name in Engineering R&D and Information Technology space, will open up new dimensions and modernize technological thinking. Our aim is to build a strong and dynamic platform where technology meets innovation, young minds meet opportunity and industry meets solutions. The India Innovation Centre will provide an environment to reimagine and incubate ideas across the key focus areas for Panasonic i.e., connected home/community, mobility, energy, industrial and finance solutions”, said Mr Manish Sharma, President and CEO, Panasonic India and South Asia and Vice President Appliances Company Panasonic Corporation
“Our partnership with Panasonic India, is unique as our cumulative knowledge and expertise will enable market specific smarter, disruptive and innovative solutions” said Mr. Regu Ayyaswamy, Vice President & Global Head, Engineering & Industrial Services, TCS. “Solutions developed from this ‘Centre of Excellence’ will not only benefit industry by creating new business opportunities but also make technology more relevant and impactful for Indian Consumers and customers from South Asia, Middle East and Africa,” he further added.
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