The FINANCIAL — 94% of Automobile Association members think that children should walk more but only 56% believe their neighbourhood is safe enough to do so, revealed a new AA Streetwatch study.
Encouraging kids to cycle more is supported by 76% of the Streetwatchers. But, once again, only 31% feel their local streets offer a secure enough environment.
Between 92% and 95% of AA Streetwatchers across all socio-economic groups agree that children should be encouraged to walk more. However, while up to 59% of those in better-off neighbourhoods consider their local roads safe enough for their children to play and explore on foot, confidence in less well-off neighbourhoods drops as low as 45%, according to the Automobile Association Limited.
For example, Luton came out as the least safe place for children to walk locally, whilst the more affluent St Albans, 12 miles down the road, was in the top five safest areas.
Survey respondents from lower socio-economic groups were slightly less keen for children to take to their bikes, but the 71% of them who favoured encouraging kids on to bikes still compared well with 78% in the top ‘professional, higher managerial’ band, according to the Automobile Association Limited.
Even so, in terms of the perceived safety of young cyclists on local roads, the gap between the richer (35%) and poorer neighbourhoods (27%) wasn’t as big as for children being allowed to roam around as pedestrians.
“The findings from our AA Streetwatch volunteers backs up previous research that shows children in inner-city areas are at much greater risk. They make more journeys on foot and spend more time playing in the street because there are fewer playing areas. There are also more cars parked in the street, reducing visibility and making crossing the road more hazardous. They also tend to live on busier roads rather than in the leafy suburbs," said Edmund King, AA president.
“It is a shame when safety fears constrain freedoms and the social and physical development of young people. Many communities have organised themselves to provide activities and supervision to reduce the chances of a mishap," he added.
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