The FINANCIAL — The IPO Conference – raising capital through initial public offering on Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) was held at Courtyard Marriot hotel on June 27.
The event was organized by WSE, BDO, assurance and advisory firm, BDO Legal, local law firm, Baker & McKenzie, global law firm and the European investment bank Unicredit.
General sponsor – TBC Bank.
Supporters: Embassy of Poland in Georgia and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
To attend the event invited were the heads of about 50 various sector large-scale Georgian companies interested in raising additional capital.
The Conference aimed to inform Georgian companies about the access to WSE and opportunities of raising capital through initial public offering (IPO).
Opening speeches were of Zurab Lalazashvili, Managing Partner of BDO Georgia, Irakli Matkava, Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and the Representative of the Embassy of Poland in Georgia.
The guests attending the Conference were provided the full information on IPO matters: Robert Kwiatkowski, representative of WSE spoke about the advantages of listing on WSE and Cliff Isaac, partner, BDO Georgia, presented on the core accents and stages of preparing for IPO. Presentation by Baker & McKenzie covered the support and role of a law firm in the process and general legal aspects of IPO. Robert Koleczek, investment banker of Unicredit introduced the role of an investment bank in international transactions.
The last presentation by Igor Konstantinov, Development Partner, BDO Ukraine, showed the practical examples of listing on WSE based on the experience of Ukrainian companies.
The conference session was closed by the series of round tables. B2B meetings between the Georgian companies and the organisers of the Event served to engage in more detail discussions on all interesting matters about IPO.
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