The FINANCIAL — The limitations, which Ukraine imposed for grain exports, will not trouble the agricultural complex of Russia, which on August 15 also enforced the temporary embargo for grains and flour exports, announced Oleg Aksenov, the official representative of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
According to him, Russia has rather sufficient grain volumes. To date, the Russian Federation solves the problem of grain surpluses transportation from the South of the country to other regions.
Previously, Elena Skrynnik, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, stated that Russia does not plan to import grains, due to the sufficient grain volumes on the market, which satisfy all domestic demands.
According to market participants information, the Russian agricultural producers, which are in the neighbor to the country border regions, purchased the certain grain volumes from Ukraine mainly for feed purposes, because the logistics is rather comfortable in the case. However, it is possible to compensate the volumes at the expense of the domestic market capacities.
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