The FINANCIAL — The final classes have been held in the online photo school of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), and in the coming weeks seminars, business forums for photographers, and exhibitions “We are the Eastern Partnership” will be mounted across the region, as part of the SAY CHEESE! project funded by the EU under the EaP Culture programme.
Almost 60 students from the EaP countries graduated from the pilot course of the online photo school. The course was composed of video lectures, webinars, and, of course, homework. It ended with practical master classes that took place in each EaP country in March where the students finally got to meet their “schoolmates” and professors, according to EU Neighbourhood Info Centre.
A number of seminars, business forums and exhibitions will be organised in May and June, at which photographers will learn about intellectual property rights and chat with entrepreneurs working in art and media. The project will culminate in a series of exhibitions “We are the Eastern Partnership”.
The SAY CHEESE! project wants to boost capacities of EaP photographers’ associations and to encourage their networking with each other. The project aims at enhancing abilities of local professional and amateur photographers in the EaP region to create and sell high quality thematic EaP photos; finally, the project wants to promote thematic EaP photography within the EaP, the EU and at international level.
The €12 million Eastern Partnership Culture Programme aims at assisting the Partner Countries in their cultural policy reform at government level, as well as capacity building and improving professionalism of cultural operators in the region. It seeks to strengthen regional cultural links and dialogue within the Eastern Partnership region, and between the EU and ENP Eastern countries’ cultural networks and actors.
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