The FINANCIAL — Siemens AG has been named once again to the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI), capturing the No. 1 spot in the sector Diversified Industrials, which also includes ITT, General Electric and Toshiba.
"Siemens has expanded the leading position it held last year in the two assessment categories Compliance and Risk Management and this year received the highest points possible in each category. The company has also considerably improved its rankings in the categories Environment and Society. This is the tenth time in a row that Siemens has been honored by Dow Jones analysts for its sustainable activities. This year’s overall result is the best the company has ever achieved. The changes in the DJSI will come into effect on September 21, 2009," Siemens says.
“Sustainability has always been a fundamental aspect of our company policies and is today a key component of Siemens’ company strategy,” said Barbara Kux, the member of Siemens’ Managing Board responsible for Supply Chain Management and Sustainability. “That we’ve been ranked so highly in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index is a sign that our strategy is also gaining recognition outside the company.” In addition to the economic and social dimension, Siemens is focusing, in particular, on expanding its Environmental Portfolio and reducing the CO2 emissions of its products – a commitment that the company also requires from its suppliers. Siemens received top marks in the DJSI for its supplier standards. Under the direction of Barbara Kux, Siemens has also recently taken sustainability’s strategic significance into account by establishing a dedicated Sustainability Office comprising representatives from the entire company.
As a leading green infrastructure supplier, the company is considered a reliable, long-term partner throughout the world due to its experience, technological expertise and financial strength. Already today, Siemens generates some €19 billion – nearly a quarter of its total revenue – with products and solutions for climate protection. The company intends to increase this figure to €25 billion by 2011. In 2008, products and solutions from Siemens’ Environmental Portfolio reduced CO2 emissions at the company’s customers by 148 million tons – an amount equal to the total annual emissions of the megacities New York, London and Hong Kong. The company intends to increase this figure to 275 million tons by 2011. Siemens has already established high environmental standards for itself. Nonetheless, the company has also continued to set ambitious goals for the future: it aims to cut its greenhouse gas emissions relative to its 2006 revenue by 20 percent by 2011, improve the efficiency of water use at its production facilities and substantially reduce the volume of waste it generates.
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