The FINANCIAL — According to officials of TBC Bank, from January to March 31 Net Profit of the bank was GEL 784,000. TBC Bank’s General Director says that in May the number of opened deposits in TBC rose a bit in comparison with the first quarter of 2009 and this fact is being seen as a positive sign for the future.
“Interest income of the Bank amounted to GEL 66,921,000. Interest expenses of the Bank amounted to GEL 29,500,000. Net interest income of TBC Bank for the first quarter of the year 2009 was GEL 34,421,000,” TBC officials note.
TBC Bank last week offered its customers the new Bonus Deposit. According to TBC Bank officials it’s a very easy and flexible type of deposit which will help customers to get additional bonuses as presents for money saved over 1 year.
“When opening a deposit the customer should choose one from four different nominal’s coupons: 20, 30, 50 or 100 GELUSDEUR – according to how much money they are going to save monthly. With the monthly deposits customers accumulate the sum over a year’s period and the Bank additionally gives the amount of money indicated on the coupon as a present,” Bank officials note.
“So as not to forget to add money to their deposits monthly they’ll get SMS messages on their mobile phones on the 25th of every month,” TBC officials say.
According to bank officials, making deposits is available in bank branches as well as with the help of distance services like internet banking, mobile banking, phone banking and also with the quick payment terminals of TBC Pay.
“You are able to get the sum charged to the Bonus Deposit any time you want. If you want to deposit more money than you expected, you may add on a deposit of any sum and you will receive an additional 10% annual interest rate. You are able to open the Bonus Deposit after 3 months of receiving the Bonus coupon,” says Vakhtang Butskhrikidze, General Director of TBC Bank.
“You are saving 12 units and get 13, that means that you have a new formula for saving money: 12=13. You will be sure that it’s very easy. As an example if you put GEL 100 in to your Bonus Deposit every month for 12 months, the bank will give as present GEL 100 as a bonus at the end of the year and so you’ll have GEL 1,300 at the end of the year.” Butskhrikidze says.
According to TBC Bank officials, in case of demand a client can take a Bonus Coupon sum in advance. To do this it’s necessary for the deposit to be twice as high as the amount stated on the present coupon.
“We think that considering the present situation it’s very important for people to make even small savings in order to have money for when its most needed. This deposit is a very easy way to save money,” says Maia Dzirkvelisvili, Head of the PR Department of TBC Bank.
Written By Tako Khelaia
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