The FINANCIAL — The Municipality of Tbilisi is spending about 500,000 GEL on arranging a special festive celebration for the New Year 2010. The press centre representative of Tbilisi says that the New Year celebration in Tbilisi’s streets will last from 25 December to 7 January.
“The Municipality of Tbilisi plans to hold various events in Tbilisi’s streets over New Year. People of all ages are welcome to visit Tbilisi’s main squares and parks where they will be able to experience a great time,” says Tamuna Dvali from the press centre of Tbilisi Municipality.
New Year Program:
“New Year Festival” on Meidan
• Kid’s performances 25.12.2009 – 07.01.2010; 13:00 – 19:00
• Christmas market opening, mute movie with live accompaniment – 25.12.2009; 19:00
• Bakur Burduli band – 26.12.2009; 19:00
• The group ”String” – 27.12.2009; 19:00
• Moving theatre band – 28.12.2009; 19:00
• Davit Evgenidze’s concert on Meidan – 29.12.2009; 19:00
• Dato Iluridze’s band – 30.12.2009; 19:00
• Magician’s show – 03.01.2010 – 07.01.2010; 13:00
• Street musicians – a guitarist and violinist – 25.12.2009 – 07.01.2010; 13:00
• Big puppies, theatrical shows, kids events – 03.01.2010 – 07.01.2010; 13:00
Rustaveli Avenue 31.12.2009; 18:00 – 23:00
• Two Xmas performances of Gribodeov and Free Theatres
• Moving Theatre
• Pantomime Theatre
• “Shapito”- Circus performance
• Santa-Clauses’ Band
• Basti-Bubu and the Ball Dances
• Puppet Theatre
• Magicians Show
• Kids Folklore Concert
• Mary Poppins
• Masks Theatre
• Santa-Clauses’ Show
• Open air concert of a symphonic orchestra
• Trained Dogs’ Show
• Let’s draw New Year (Zaal Sulakauri)
New Year Markets and Other Events 25.12.2009 – 07.01.2010
• Sports Palace, Rose Revolution square, Gldani park, Pushkin square
• Gldani park – Rock Concert – 03.01.2010; 19:00
• Mushtaidi park “New Year Adventure of an Ant and a flea” – 03.01.2010 – 07.01.2010; 13:00
• Mtatsminda park “Santa Clause” – 31.12. 2009; 12:00-18:00
Last year the Municipality of Tbilisi also arranged several festive events to celebrate the New Year in Tbilisi’s streets. There were several events including a Christmas fashion show organized by Georgia’s famous designers in the old district of Tbilisi.
“Tamuna Ingorokva, Avtandil and Ika Bobokhidze’s open air shows were quite successful. Refined outlines, elegant clothes, decorations, evening gowns, and modernism mixed with the styles of the previous century made everyone amazed,” noted a representative of the Municipality of Tbilisi.
The New Year Festival on Meidan last year also included a performance for the kids.
“To make the day more beautiful and exciting for them Santa Clause and a young winter lady visited the kids and they together with a fox, fairies, elephants and penguins sang Christmas carols thus making the children feel as though they were in a fairy tale. The fact that it was snowing added its magic to the Christmas fairy tale,” Tbilisi Municipality notes.
As Tbilisi Municipality notes last year Christmas events were in full swing, many events took place on Rose square.
So as Christmas is the loveliest time for Children The FINANCIAL interviewed several kids and revealed that as opposed to their parents, children like to celebrate the New Year in Tbilisi’s streets.
“I really enjoy celebrating the New Year in Tbilisi’s streets. Last year there were many different places of entertainment in the street like the Santa’s fairy tales and singing on Rose Revolution square. I begged my mother to take me outside in the streets last year in order to celebrate New Year even though she didn’t really enjoy it. This year I will again go with pleasure to celebrate Christmas in the streets and watch several performances specially for children,” says Beka Gomelauri, 7.
“New Year is my favourite festive celebration. The reason I like Christmas is that I receive many presents. I like to have fun with my friends and last year I often went to New Year celebratory arrangements organized in the different streets of Tbilisi. Unfortunately my parents do not really like to take me outside at New Year, they are afraid of catching a cold but hope this year I will manage to persuade them to go out in to Tbilisi’s streets in order to see the different performances on show,” says Masho menabde, 6.
According to certain elderly people interviewed by The FINANCIAL, they prefer to stay home or go to Restaurants rather than celebrate the New Year in the streets.
“I don’t like to celebrate Christmas in the streets; there are many people who I don’t know. I prefer to stay at home with my friends or go to the pub or a restaurant at New Year. I have never been to New Year celebrations in the streets of Tbilisi and I am not going to visit them this year,” says Anano Kekelidze, 24.
“I always celebrate New Year with my friends and family members, visiting them at their homes. I don’t have any desire to attend the different arrangements organized at Christmas in Tbilisi’s Streets. I think they are aimed more at children,” says Levan Bukia, 25.
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