The FINANCIAL — Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) announced on December 13 that True, Thailand’s leading telecommunications conglomerate, successfully conducted a field trial carrying 100 gigabit per second Ethernet (100GE) traffic, over its existing IP/MPLS network, which is based on Alcatel-Lucent service routing technology.
"The trial successfully demonstrated that Alcatel-Lucent’s 100GE interfaces support and sustain 100Gbps, while delivering wireless (3G and LTE) services, as well as residential broadband, subscriber management, business Ethernet and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). The trial leveraged Alcatel-Lucent’s existing 7750 Service Routers, 7450 Ethernet Service Switches, and the 5620 Service Aware Manager, which together form the base of True’s converged IP/MPLS network," Alcatel-Lucent said.
“The 100GE trial will help us prepare for the future and meet the need for increasing bandwidth. As can been seen around the world, the demand is driven by trends such as wireless carriers using Ethernet backhaul to stay ahead of the rising requirement for high-bandwidth wireless services,” said Vichaow Rakphongphairoj, managing director and Group chief operating officer, Network and Technology, True Corporation PCL. “With the continuous growth of True’s fixed broadband traffic and our plan to introduce higher-speed offerings this year, it makes business sense for us to push for a single common infrastructure, allowing us to better control growing backhaul spending requirements. The goal here is to show 100GE can be carried on a metro network with current equipment that avoids major changes to the existing network infrastructure and the associated costs.”
In February this year, True selected Alcatel-Lucent’s IP/MPLS solution to support a converged network transformation. Alcatel-Lucent’s converged, service-aware IP/MPLS network, covering Bangkok’s metropolitan area, supports both 3G IP mobile services by TrueMove as well as fixed broadband services by TrueOnline, the fixed-line arm of True and the country’s largest broadband and dial-up Internet provider in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area.
“In anticipation of the growing demand for high-bandwidth applications and content, service providers are compelled to equip themselves with a next-generation all-IP multiservice infrastructure that can grow in tandem with demand. We call this a High Leverage Network™. Converging both legacy and 3G services over a single, flexible resilient network enables True to support the current growing needs and beyond. A seamless transition to 100GE leveraging Alcatel-Lucent’s existing IP routing platform enables service providers, like True, to expand its innovative Ethernet service offerings in a timely and efficient manner,” saidAlain Biston, Head of Alcatel-Lucent’s activities in North and Southeast Asia.
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