The FINANCIAL — The Petalite Flux battery, created by Leigh Purnell, can charge itself from empty to full in just 15 minutes. It will be launched on the Indiegogo crowdfunding website at the end of August, according to Aston University.
The device, small enough to fit in your pocket or bag, eradicates the need to plug your phone into a wall electricity socket or computer usb slot. Instead, if your Smartphone needs charging, you can simply connect it to the Flux battery and continue with your day.
“I founded Petalite Battery Systems to permanently remove the stress and worry of having a mobile phone on low battery when you are out and about. It is an increasingly large problem in modern life, especially if you are relying on your phone to direct you somewhere or are waiting for important information to be sent to you,” Technology and Enterprise Management graduate, Leigh, said.
92% of British people would feel stressed if the battery in their Smartphone were to run out, highlighting our increasing dependence on technology, a recent study found. At least 60% of the people surveyed said they would be frustrated and 25% said they would feel panicked if their battery ran out.
“We are very excited about the crowdfunding launch of the Flux battery. We believe that it is the fastest charger in the world and that it has real potential to make peoples’ lives that bit easier, whether commuting to and from work, on a family day out or enjoying an evening catching up with friends.
“We believe that crowdfunding is the perfect environment for our products, bringing people together who share the same enthusiasm for our idea and communicating with the community throughout the campaign to develop an improved experience for the customer,” Leigh added.
After graduating from Aston in 2010, 27-year-old Leigh set-up the ‘It’s on the Meter’ expedition to break the Guinness World Record for the longest ever taxi journey in aid of the British Red Cross. The expedition, sponsored by Aston Business School, took 15 months to complete through 50 countries, covering 43,319 miles.
In 2014, he established Petalite Battery Systems with the intention of creating the world’s fastest charging external battery. He has been supported in his mission by the Birmingham Skills for Enterprise and Employability Network (BSEEN) programme, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The BSEEN team support students and graduates who are setting-up businesses by offering mentoring, workshops, a business grant and workspace, according to Aston University.
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