The FINANCIAL — As of October 9, Ukraine harvested 43.457 mln tonnes of grains throughout the areas of 11.247 mln ha (77% of the plan). The average yield totaled 3.86 t/ha, declared the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
In particular, agrarians harvested buckwheat throughout 150 thsd ha (82%), and produced 168 thsd tonnes of the grain. The average yield totaled 1.12 t/ha.
As of the reporting date, agrarians harvested 74 thsd tonnes of millet throughout 51 thsd ha (91%), with the yield at 1.45 t/ha, according to APK-Inform.
Agricultural producers continued harvesting corn for grain, and already produced 5.548 mln tonnes. The harvested areas reached 1.307 mln ha (29%), with the yield at 4.25 t/ha.
In addition, Ukraine harvested 9.174 mln tonnes of sunflower seed throughout 4.795 mln ha (81%), with the average yield at 1.91 t/ha. The production volumes of soybeans reached 2.195 mln tonnes, the yield – 1.81 t/ha, and the harvested areas – 1.211 mln ha (61%).
Also, Ukrainian agrarians planted winter grains for the harvest-2018 throughout 5.322 mln ha (74% of the plan). In particular, the planted areas under winter wheat totaled 4.805 mln ha (78%), barley – 392 thsd ha (42%), rye – 125 thsd ha (78%). Agrarians already planted winter rapeseed throughout 813 thsd ha (105%).
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