The FINANCIAL — As of July 17, Ukrainian agrarians harvested 8.268 mln tonnes of early grains and pulses throughout the areas of 2.559 mln ha, or 27% of the plan. The average yield totaled 3.23 t/ha, reported the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
In particular, agrarians harvested wheat throughout 1.26 mln ha. The production volumes totaled 4.351 mln tonnes, with the yield of 3.45 t/ha. Ukraine harvested 3.368 mln tonnes of barley throughout 1.065 mln ha, with the yield of 3.16 t/ha. Agrarians harvested 2 thsd tonnes of millet throughout 0.8 thsd ha, with the average yields of 2.13 t/ha. Oats production reached 1.2 thsd tonnes, with the harvested areas – 0.6 thsd ha, and the yield – 2.18 t/ha.
Also, Ukrainian agrarians produced 547 thsd tonnes of peas. The average yield totaled 2.35 t/ha, and the harvested areas – 233 thsd ha, according to APK-Inform.
In addition, the country harvested 587 thsd tonnes of rapeseed throughout 256 thsd ha, with the average yield at 2.3 t/ha.
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