The FINANCIAL — In 2016, the general production of plant growing commodities in Ukraine may grow by 0.7%, and reach 170.6 bln UAH. The production of grains and pulses is forecasted at the level of 2015 (99.7%) – 59.8 mln tonnes, against 59.96 mln tonnes last year, informed the Director of the National Scientific Center “Institute of Agrarian Economics”, Yuri Lupenko on February 10.
In particular, the harvest of wheat will decrease by 8.8% and 18.3% in accordance with the medium and pessimistic-case scenarios respectively, due to lowering of the planted areas and yield indices.
According to forecasts of the Institute scientists, corn production will increase by 24.9% in accordance with the optimistic scenario, and up 17.5% – the medium variant. Even in terms of the pessimistic forecast, the harvest of corn will increase by 10.2%.
In accordance with the medium scenario, barley production will increase by 6.3%, although the negative scenario shows a decrease of 1.6%.
Due to the forecasted increasing of buckwheat yield, there is expected the following increase of its production volumes: the optimistic scenario – up 14.7%, the medium one – up 5.7%. Also, the harvest of millet will increase (up 21.2% or up 7.2%, respectively).
In 2016, the planted areas under rice will increase, and the harvest volumes will grow by 23% or 11.7%. In accordance with the pessimistic scenario, the harvest volumes will remain at the last year level, according to APK-Inform.
In addition, the harvest volumes of soybeans will increase: up 17.7% in terms of the optimistic scenario, up 11.9% – the medium scenario, and up 6.2% – the pessimistic variant of the forecast. In 2016, sunflower seed production will somewhat stabilize: in accordance with the medium-case forecast the harvest will almost reach the level of 2015 (99.1%), and the pessimistic scenario – down 6%.
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