The FINANCIAL — The Ukraine Armed Forces (UAF) are ready to enter NATO.
According to an UNIAN correspondent, UAF General Headquarters Euro-Atlantic Integration Department chief, colonel Borys Kremenetskiy claimed this today, speaking at roundtable “Is the Ukrainian army ready to join NATO?”
“We have enough opportunities to become a NATO member”, B.Kremenetskiy said.
He added there are over 12 thousand NATO standards, which were agreed between the member countries.
“We have been working very seriously towards this direction. If we examine the state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and compare it with that of the NATO member countries, we’ll see that UAF are prepared none the worse, and even have more opportunities at many levels”, he said.
According to B.Kremenetskiy, the Ukrainian army could make a significant contribution in the spheres of air transportation, engineer and medicine maintenance.
He stressed that UAF take part in all the four NATO operations – in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, and in “Active Endeavor in Mediterranean”.
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