The FINANCIAL — The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced five new awards totaling more than $6 million to help protect and empower women in countries affected by crisis, conflict, and transition.
Deputy Assistant Administrator Sarah Mendelson from USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance announced the awards at a roundtable event where participants reflected on progress and next steps for USAID’s implementation of the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security (NAP). The awards are designed to catalyze implementation of NAP goals in key countries and regions and support learning that can be applied to future programming, according to USAID.
The funds will help USAID missions build on successful programs and start new activities:
In Papua New Guinea, USAID will increase the capacity of local women’s civil society organizations to provide recovery services for survivors of conflict-related trauma and domestic and sexual violence and to create awareness of, and advocate for, the implementation of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville’s National Action Plan;
In Kenya, funding will strengthen the ability of female leaders to participate in decision- making processes at local and national levels of governance by mapping resources and needs and building a network of women leaders for mentoring partnerships and peer-to- peer learning;
In Sierra Leone, USAID programming will provide more effective services and care for survivors of gender-based violence by improving existing referral systems and police response procedures and developing a network of safe shelters;
In Libya, USAID aims to expand the potential of women entrepreneurs through business skills training, improve women’s access to financing through brokered relationships with financial institutions, and offer matching grants and technical assistance to accelerate businesses toward growth and job creation;
In the Middle East and North Africa region, funding will support development of regional TV programming designed to promote positive shifts in attitudes and behaviors related to women’s participation in politics and governance;
Additionally, USAID is supporting efforts to build an international roster of experts with the specialized skills needed to investigate and prosecute conflict-related sexual violence.
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