The FINANCIAL — Hillary Clinton posts a three-point lead in today’s White House Watch survey.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds the Democratic nominee with 43% support to Republican candidate Donald Trump’s 40%. It was Clinton 43%, Trump 42% on Friday. Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson now earns eight percent (8%) of the vote, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein holds steady at two percent (2%).
Another two percent (2%) still prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.
Clinton has edged ahead since the presidential candidates’ first debate last week after trailing Trump by five points the week before.
Eighty-two percent (82%) of voters now say they are certain how they will vote, and Clinton leads 49% to 46% among these voters. Among those who still say they could change their minds, it’s Trump 34%, Clinton 30%, Johnson 27% and Stein nine percent (9%).
Rasmussen Reports updates its White House Watch survey daily Monday through Friday at 8:30 am based on a three-day rolling average of 1,500 Likely U.S. Voters.
Most voters believe news organizations play favorites when it comes to fact-checking candidates’ statements, but this skepticism is much stronger among voters who support Trump than those who back Clinton. That’s no surprise since voters think it’s far more likely reporters will try to help Clinton than Trump throughout this election season.
Trump has 78% support among Republicans and leads by six points from voters not affiliated with either major party. Clinton picks up 80% of the Democratic vote. They each draw roughly 10% support from voters in the opposing party.
Johnson has the backing of six percent (6%) of GOP voters, four percent (4%) of Democrats and 15% of unaffiliateds. Stein remains in low single digits in all three groups.
Trump leads by six points among men. Clinton has an 11-point advantage among women. The Democrat has a double-digit lead among voters under 40. Older voters still prefer Trump.
The GOP hopeful doesn’t appear to be making inroads into the black vote despite his outreach effort. Whites still favor Trump, while other minority voters are almost evenly divided.
The vice presidential candidates debate tomorrow night.
Voters see this year’s debates as more important than those in most past presidential election cycles.
Following last week’s debate, voters feel Clinton is more qualified to be president than Trump.
But voters also think taxes and government spending will increase under a Clinton presidency. They’re less certain what will happen if Trump is elected.
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