They Have a Strong Base of Support
A vibrant centrist movement can build an alternative approach over the years. Its point of view does not necessarily need to replace the Democratic or Republican position on any issue but should occupy a space above it.
A strong, independent third party could have enormous effects on American politics. But the major problem is that voters who want a new party often need to identify themselves as centrists. According to a recent typology study by Pew Research Center, only four percent of self-identified independents who lean left or right are centrists. The remaining 87 percent are more pragmatic than the Democratic or Republican base but are still alienated from politics. A handful of Centrists in the Senate would make it nearly impossible for the Republicans or Democrats to pass legislation without their cooperation. This quirk in the American system has never been exploited, but it could have an enormous effect on breaking the current gridlock.
They Have a Strong Base of Voters
The centrist movement has momentum. For instance, the No Labels Party has surpassed the required signatures to be on the ballot in the 2020 election, and its success will encourage more defections from partisan incumbent senators. The group has a good chance of making a dent in gerrymandering, particularly in states like Arizona, which tend to elect Democrats and Republicans.
The problem is that a third party is not necessarily the answer to our political gridlock. It could make matters worse by pushing left-right polarization even further, reducing the ability of existing parties to agree on policy solutions. A vibrant centrist movement must be defined by more than a set of policies. It must be a vigorous activity that fights for ideas and values not on the ideological spectrum but above it. This reform effort may take years to bear fruit, but it is the only way to save American democracy.
They Have a Strong Base of Activists
A national Centrist political party mobilizing a country of frustrated moderate voters can beat back the stale political status quo. But such a party must be cautious about its electoral strategy. The first step would be to focus national resources on a handful of hand-picked Senate races where Centrists have the best chance of winning. That will require a lot of money and a lot of organization. And the Republicans and Democrats will fight back, trying to nip any incipient Centrist movement in the bud. A Centrist political party takes an ideologically intermediate position and downplays ideology in favor of a pragmatic approach to politics. That’s why it can appeal to people who feel alienated from the political right and left. But it’s important to remember that being a centrist doesn’t mean agreeing with both sides on every issue. It can be dangerous to your health to take that approach.
They Have a Strong Base of Funding
Centrists can attract the support of donors by offering a more practical, realistic political agenda than left-wing and right-wing parties. By limiting the size of the federal government, centrists can focus on creating jobs and improving economic conditions rather than increasing social welfare benefits or restricting immigration.
A centrist political party is also necessary for protecting democratic freedoms and civil liberties. Centrists oppose government overreach and censorship and believe in the free marketplace of ideas. In the United States, many voters are tired of extreme partisanship and are looking for a third option. In addition, a centrist political party can make a difference in state elections. Unlike congressional districts, state-wide elections are not gerrymandered, making it easier for a new party to win seats.
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