The FINANCIAL — It’s that time of year: barbeques are lighting up and pool parties are underway as Americans gather to celebrate Independence Day and the founding of the United States.
And, combining these two things somewhat, when it comes to which recent President Americans would like to have helping out on the grill, almost three in ten (28%) say they would most want Bill Clinton helping out while just over one in five (22%) would want Ronald Reagan. Smaller numbers of Americans would want Barack Obama (16%), George W. Bush (12%), Jimmy Carter (6%) or George H.W. Bush (3%) helping out on the grill. Over one in ten U.S. adults (12%) are not at all sure, according to Harris Interactive Inc.
Not surprisingly, Republicans and Democrats have different Presidents they would want to have on the grill with them. More than two in five Democrats (43%) would want Bill Clinton while one-third (32%) would want Barack Obama on the grill. For Republicans, more than two in five (45%) would want Ronald Reagan while almost three in ten (28%) say they would want George W. Bush helping on the grill. For Independents, almost three in ten (28%) would want Bill Clinton flipping burgers while one-quarter (25%) would want Ronald Reagan on the grill with them.
There’s always that guy
So, the pool party is going on, folks are having a great time, and then it happens… someone falls into the pool with their clothes on. And, among the last 6 presidents, three in ten (29%) say George W. Bush is most likely to end up falling in the swimming pool with their clothes on while one in five (19%) say Bill Clinton is most likely. Smaller numbers say Barack Obama (14%), Jimmy Carter (9%), George H.W. Bush (8%) and Ronald Reagan (4%) are most likely. Almost one in five Americans (17%) are not at all sure, according to Harris Interactive Inc.
Again, there are differences depending on partisanship. Among Republicans, three in ten (29%) say Bill Clinton is most likely to end up falling in the pool while one-quarter (25%) say President Obama is. Among Democrats, more than two in five (44%) say George W. Bush is most likely to fall in the pool with his clothes on. For Independents, over one-quarter (27%) say George W. Bush is most likely to fall in the pool while one in five (20%) say it is going to be Bill Clinton.
Founding fathers in politics today
July 4th marks the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and among five signatories tested, two rise to the top as which one Americans would most want to have in politics today. Over one-third (35%) would want Thomas Jefferson in politics today while one-third (33%) would want Benjamin Franklin. Smaller numbers say they would want John Adams (8%), John Hancock (3%) and Josiah Bartlett (1%), while one in five (21%) say they are not at all sure.
Here the differences between Republicans and Democrats aren’t as stark. Two in five Republicans (40%) would want Thomas Jefferson in politics today, while one-third (33%) would want Benjamin Franklin. One-third of Democrats would each want Benjamin Franklin (33%) and Thomas Jefferson (32%) in politics today, according to Harris Interactive Inc.
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