Here are additional sanctions against Belarus: Prohibitions on the export, supply, delivery, making available and transfer of dual-use goods and technology to, or for use in, Belarus, or to a person connected with Belarus, irrespective of end-user. This also applies to the provision of related technical assistance, financial services, funds and brokering services. These replace the previous prohibitions relating to dual-use goods and technology to, or for military use in, Belarus.
Prohibitions on the export, supply, delivery, making available and transfer (as well as the provision of related technical assistance, financial services, funds and brokering services) of:
- critical industry goods and technology
- quantum computing and advanced materials
- oil refining goods and technology
to, or for use in, Belarus, or to a person connected with Belarus.
Prohibitions on the export, supply, delivery and making available of luxury goods to, or for use in, Belarus, or to a person connected with Belarus.
Expanded definition of ‘potash’ and new prohibition on the import of ‘mineral products’, replacing ‘petroleum products’ to ensure it captures a wider range of oils and other products.
Prohibitions on the import of iron and steel products, which are consigned from or originate in Belarus.
Prohibitions on the provision of technical assistance, financial services, funds and brokering services relating to import of potash, iron and steel products.
Prohibitions on enabling or facilitating military activities, such as providing technical assistance, armed personnel, financial services or funds, or brokering services in relation to an arrangement whose object or effect is to provide any of the foregoing in a non-UK country, where such provisions enables or facilitates the conduct of military activities carried on or proposed to be carried on by the Belarusian military or any other military end-user who is a person connected with Belarus.
There are some exceptions to the prohibitions, which are set out in detail in the legislation, and licences can be granted in very limited circumstances.
Related measures
There are also financial sanctions against Belarus and further information is available from the Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI).
Further guidance and support
Guidance on the scope of sanctions against Belarus, including the circumstances in which licences can be granted, will shortly be updated and can be found on the Belarus sanctions: guidance page.
The Export Support Service is ready to help with any other enquiries about exporting or trading with Russia or Ukraine that are not specific to the requirement for export licences.
Trade sanctions relating to imports are administered by the DIT Import Licensing Branch.
Contact: Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU)
Export Control Joint Unit
Department for International Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place
Telephone 020 7215 4594
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