“Brothers” rugby school, under the ownership of “Smart Capital Group” has been hosting a series of educational meetings for several months, which, in addition to sports development, aims at raising young rugby players into responsible citizens. With the involvement of various interesting speakers, the initiative serves to familiarize children with the goals of sustainable development through fun and interactive format, to raise their awareness in this direction.
On November 28, within the framework of a series of meetings, a prominent rugby player, – Nono Andghuladze met with children, who spoke with regards to gender equality, women’s empowerment and elimination of gender-based violence. It is notable that the topic was specially selected in connection with the 16-day campaign of the international initiative to eliminate violence against women.
“Violence against women is a violation of human rights and basic freedoms. Studies conducted in Georgia showcase the extent of violence against women in this country. In order to shift this dramatic situation, 13 years ago, I started working with UN Women and under their auspices, as well as along with the rugby team, I set myself a goal of tackling this deeply-rooted stereotypes. Since then, we have held up to 300 meetings with schoolchildren on gender-related topics. I am thrilled that this time I have an opportunity to discuss such a significant topic at “Brothers” rugby school. In addition to the mentioned, it should be noted that rugby is perceived in society as a power (masculine) sport, which does not correlate with violence. We are making efforts to demonstrate to the society that force and violence are not related to each other”- stated rugby player, Nono Andghuladze.
Few months ago, “Smart Capital Group” became a signatory of the United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPS), whereby the investment group, along with the companies included, expresses its good will to support and implement various initiatives in the direction of women’s empowerment and gender equality.
“We believe that rugby is more than just a sport. That’s why we decided not only to focus on sports activities, but also share the right values with children. Fun discussions on gender equality and related topics are necessary from an early age in order to change wrong attitudes and false stereotypes in children when interacting with the opposite sex,” – noted Vakhtang Mdzinarishvili, the founder and coach of the “Brothers” rugby school.
The rugby school is also planning an interesting future activities. In the direction of women’s empowerment, it is planned to create a girls’ team.
“Sisters of our team members have often expressed their interest in playing rugby, that’s why we would like to develop the girls’ line as well and promote the process of involving women in the so-called masculine sport and overcoming stereotypes,” – stated Vakho Mdzinarishvili.
Within the framework of educational meetings, children will have a number of interesting meetings on such important topics as: inclusion, human rights, animal protection, road safety, bullying vs teamwork and etc.
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