The FINANCIAL — Business Associations for Small and Medium Enterprises is a project implemented by the Enterprise Georgia agency of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development together with the PricewaterhouseCoopers with the financial support of the UK Good Governance Fund.
First Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Dimitry Kumsishvili and the Head of the UK Good Governance Fund (GGF), Richard Dewdnay discussed the details of the project at the meeting.
The aim of the project is to support the development of local small and medium businesses in Georgia for their better operation and increased efficiency. Within the framework of the project, small and medium business representatives will be able to contact the multinational and so-called “franchising” companies in Georgia in the field of hosting industry for supply products and services (HoReCa).
“Connecting the SMEs with the multinational companies is very important for our country, the small and medium enterprises and creation of new jobs. The program, which we are implementing today with the Good Governance Fund aims to help the small and medium businesses to offer their products, services and services to multinational companies. In short, the small and medium enterprises will have the opportunity to sell their productions to the large companies that have high requirements regarding the quality standards while the multinational companies will no longer import these products from abroad, thus supplementing the import with the local products,” – Dimitry Kumsishvili stated following the meeting.
First Vice Prime Minister noted that the aim is to make Georgian small and medium businesses able to meet the standards that multinational companies such as the Dunkin Donets, the McDonald’s, the Hilton Hotel network and others have, according to Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.
Participants of the meeting suggested that the project will increase the demand on procurements of local goods and services, which will facilitate the expansion of small and medium enterprises and development of the existing companies in the sector.
At the first stage of the three-stage project, the research identified the target industries, and during the second stage an intensive cooperation with the selected companies is carried out. Within the second phase, meetings of the selected companies with the multinational corporations in order to increase their involvement in the project are scheduled while the summarizing meeting will be held in the B2B format.
The final, third phase, a draft project will be elaborated on the basis of the pilot project that will include new plan and recommendations for the project implementation in the new and selected sectors, which will support the project sustainability.
At this stage, trainings are conducted for the two groups of 16 selected companies. Training programs are available in various modules: Strategy and Planning, Leadership and Management, Customer Orientation, Quality and Operations, Sales with Multinational Companies, Finances and Human Resource Management.
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