In today’s image-conscious world, there is no shortage of teeth whitening products. But with a wealth of options, from whitening strips to toothpastes, it’s hard to know what works and what’s a sham. To discover what experts recommend for a blazing white smile, we gathered tips from the world’s most sought-after cosmetic dentist like Dr. Kevin Sands.
As a leading practitioner based in Beverly Hills, Dr. Kevin Sands works with a long list of celebrity clients who rely on his expertise to keep their pearly whites ready for the red carpet and the big screen. He has personally appeared on shows like “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” and “Doctor 90210” but his work has appeared in shows, movies, red carpet events, and more.
He said that nearly all of clients want bright white smiles, but that getting results without expert guidance can be frustrating. The first step toward whiter teeth, he said, starts by finding out what’s caused them to dull.
Understanding Teeth Stains
The sad truth is that you can do everything right—brush twice a day, floss regularly, use mouthwash—and your teeth can still end up looking dull. That’s because the food and drinks you eat daily can leave stains on your teeth.
Besides the well-known culprits, like red wine and coffee, many other substances can cause your teeth’s luster to fade. Eating dark-colored fruits, drinking tea, and even certain candies can cause dark stains on your teeth that will stubbornly refuse to wash away with normal oral care.
The most effective way to whiten your teeth is to identify the kind of stains you have and find a product designed specifically to erase them. That’s why it’s best to consult a professional before starting any teeth whitening regiment, said Dr. Kevin Sands.
Tooth stains fall into three categories. Extrinsic stains cause the outer layer of teeth, the enamel, to become discolored. It can happen from eating, drinking, and smoking. These stains can be treated with a variety of over-the-counter remedies.
Intrinsic stains run deeper. They occur when the layer of tooth beneath your enamel becomes stained. This happens due to poor oral care. If you have intrinsic stains, you’ll need a the most powerful products available. However, a professional whitening treatment form a dentists may be your best option.
Finally, age-related stains are what happens naturally over the lifetime of your teeth. As teeth age, their enamel grows thinner, and the second layer darkens. Luckily, these stains are usually not hard to handle. Similar to intrinsic stains, most over-the-counter products can handle with decent success.
Over-the-Counter Whitening Products
These products are the least-expensive options to whiten your teeth. Unfortunately, they only deliver mediocre results. However, if your teeth stains are minimal and you don’t want to spend a lot, they can make a difference, Dr. Kevin Sands said.
If you want the fastest results, look for products with higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide, but be careful. If you have a history of sensitivity, more powerful products can cause pain, said Dr. Matt Messina, a dentist and spokesperson for the American Dental Associate. He recommends that people who feel pain from whitening products stop using them and book an appointment with their dentist.
For a quick treatment, whitening strips with the right ingredients do a good job whitening your teeth. But they should be used with caution. Be sure to read the directions carefully and follow them to the letter. If the instructions say to leave the strips on for 10 minutes, don’t double it to 20 minutes, Dr. Kevin Sands said. That can lead to pain and damage your teeth.
Trays also work well. Similar to whitening strips, tray treatments are best done only twice a year to prevent removing tooth enamel with powerful chemicals. Dr. Kevin Sands also recommends skipping quick-fix products like hydrogen peroxide pens. The treatments they provide tend to rub right off, leaving no benefit, he said.
In-Office Whitening Options
The fastest and most dramatic whitening procedures occur at your dentist’s office. A professional can help enhance your teeth several shades in a very short period of time. But it will cost more and may require at-home maintenance.
If you’re considering using a professional, be sure to do your research. Dr. Kevin Sands suggests looking up reviews, scanning before-and-after pictures, and book a consultation before agreeing to a tooth-whitening procedure with any dentist.
The best dentists are affiliated with a professional organization and take time to teach you about your in-office whitening options. Don’t settle for a professional who uses a one-size-fits-all approach to your smile.
At-Home Whitening Options
Another method to whiten your teeth is to use professional treatments at home. This involves getting custom-fitted trays from your dentist and using special treatments on a regular basis.
This option produces more dramatic results than over-the-counter products and typically costs less than in-office treatments.
While these options won’t lead to the same results that a dentist can deliver at the office, they can make your teeth much whiter than over-the-counter options.
Dr. Kevin Sands’ Tips for Safe and Effective Teeth Whitening
No matter which teeth whitening method you and your dentist choose for you, there are some important points to keep in mind, according to Dr. Kevin Sands.
First, he said, it’s best to approach the process like a long-term lifestyle goal, in the same you think about losing weight and keeping it off. That means committing to the process of getting your teeth to your desired shade and implementing a process to keep them there.
Dr. Sands recommends adding a whitening toothpaste to your daily routine, brushing with activated charcoal a few times a week, and gargling coconut oil. Charcoal naturally helps keep teeth whiter, while coconut oil is a great way to kill off harmful bacteria and plaque that can lead to future stains.
At the same time, he said, making small changes to your consumption habits can go a long way toward keeping teeth bright. Adding extra milk to your coffee, drink only clear sodas, and squeezing a drop or two of water into your soy sauce can help reduce stains.
In addition, remember that proper oral care is essential for white teeth. If you don’t brush your teeth effectively, skip flossing, and neglect check-ups with your dentist, your teeth won’t stay white very long.
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