The FINANCIAL — On November 25 an International Conference was held in Baku initiated by TeliaSonera. The main focus of the conference was “Mobile Communocations for Social Change” and the goal of the operators under TeliaSonera Eurasia group was to inform mass media about their socal responsibility projects.
On the conference Georgia was represented by Geocell. Corporate Social Responsibility is especially important factor for Geocell. In this direction the company runs long term social projects, which is positively reflected on the country’s welfare. Every innovation offered by the company is created first of all on the basis of customers’ needs. Taking care of cultural heritage, supporting education and sport, active involvement in integration of people with disability – is the main priority for Geocell.
The Final Stage of Ikalto Rehabilitation Works
A considerable part of the project of the century has already been accomplished. Today, the Ikalto monastery complex looks almost like it did centuries ago. There is no more danger that a temple will collapse or that the rain will damage it. The Ikalto monastery complex was considerably damaged during the invasions of Tamerlane and Shah Abbas. Later, during the annexation of Georgia by Russia, the temples were painted with lime. At the end of the 19th century, a fence was added to the complex. Now, when the temple was recovered from the old acts of vandalism, it returned its face typical for Georgian architecture as well as the colorful gamma that is so characteristic for Georgian monuments. Archeologists have summed up the results of the two-year work. The discoveries were far beyond expectations. The specialists opt five of the most important discoveries at the Ikalto monastery complex.
First of all it was the Deity Temple, the monument of the 10th century, which needed a restoration. The digs began from this place. The damage was so significant that it became necessary to consolidate the foundation.
1. The initial structure of the church was revealed. Receptacles and an alter were discovered to the South, which have to be late extensions and date to approximately 11-12th centuries. These digs also revealed initial proportions. When an architect constructs a church, s/he does it according to the style of the epoch. Before the digs at the Deity Church begun, it was obvious that the building was far from its initial proportions and it seemed like inappropriate for its epoch. Since after the surface was dug 1.5 meter deep, the proportions were entirely revealed. Now we no longer have to imagine how Ikalto looked like because we can actually see it.
2. Inside the temple, the late brick flooring was removed, which was laid in the 19th century. Yet these were only fragments but still, the remains of the old church were revealed. It has to be supposed that we are dealing with a three-nave or three-church basilica. It became necessary to dig a canopy in front of the diaconate in the southeast corner of the church. According to a legend, under the place where the canopy was erected the founder of the monastery St. Zenon and the greatest Georgian public figure, a confessor of David Agmashenebeli and the founder of the academy – Arsen from Ikalto were buried. Two burial grounds were discovered at the exact locations, which were described in historical sources.
3. During the digs, to the east of the church, in the yard, an apse chapel was revealed. Nothing was visible at this place before. One more church was discovered to the Northeast. To the Northeast of the Small Trinity Church, we discovered a single-nave church. The first impression was that it dates back to the 11-12th centuries. Additionally, on the southern wall of this church another attached church was discovered. There also a wine cellar was found, which was not visible before. In fact, the inner yard became filled with building. Until recently it was supposed thought that the yard of Ikalto was a park-like. As it turned out, there were several churches under the ground.
4. Archeological digs helped to discover many examples of building ceramics. Furrow framed and flat tiles of various colors – blue, red, sky-blue – were found as well as the ware of the late and developed Middle Ages.
5. 80 coins were discovered as a result of archeological digs. 12 of them were found in broken ware. These are Ilkhanid or Mongolian coins. After the study, it was determined that these coins were cut out in Tbilisi during the governing of Abu Sa'eed. These also were important discoveries. As it seems, the coins were hidden during an invasion of Tamerlane.
Geocell services for social change
Corporate Social Responsibility is especially important factor for Geocell. In this direction the company runs long term social projects, which is positively reflected on the country’s welfare. Every innovation offered by the company is created first of all on the basis of customers’ needs.
The perfect example is how special tariffs to a certain group of people, became the start of a big and important social initiative, which later ended up with the integration of people with disabilities into society. The initial steps for the first social responsibility project made by Geocell, refers to hearing impaired persons. The company offered an unprecedented service package – an SMS with the lowest tariff for it. The need for supporting these people had its logical reasons, as the most difficult moment for hearing impaired persons is having no communication with the rest of the world: they could not provide themselves any protection in case of any danger, they couldn’t call for police, or for emergency in time etc. The project was given a name – “We Hear You” and it clearly speaks of the whole idea of this initiative. For the best way of spreading this information Geocell communicated a special way of addressing the hearing impaired persons: a commercial on the sign language.
The second stage of the project – “We Hear You” was about promoting the education and a wider communication for hearing impaired.
The company prepared the computer center involving the management of the Georgian Union of Hearing Impaired and the city Municipality. By this step Geocell gave another chance to hearing impaired people to make the communication easier and to promote the education.
There followed the next steps to this project, for it was clear how important it is for people with hearing and speaking difficulties to integrate in society. It was obvious, that a solution had to be found and the best way for integration of these people was their employment. By this time, there are six hearing impaired persons employed at different premises of the company and this is another logical development of the project “We Hear You” which, started with offering a special SMS service to this group of people.
One more integration initiative is done later by starting employing a person, with limited abilities, who writes for Geocell corporate newspaper in her “Social Column”. In every issue you can find the articles written by Nata Gogolashvili. She is given the opportunity to write on any issue that is important to her.
So this was the simple way how the long-term project “We Hear You” started. The name of this project directly corresponds to this initiative and goal to hear everyone’s needs and to study them in order to make it easier to communicate for those, who need additional help for it and to understand them. But there was another side of it: there were people, who had also difficulties in letting others understand them. In order to start communication, at least you need to reach others, though there are people, who can not even enter buildings because being seated in wheelchairs, it is impossible without having special entrances. Therefore there came the idea to promote having specialized entrances everywhere: in banks, offices, educational institutions, etc. As far as Geocell is the initiator of this, there was found a special, a very human, very aesthetic and non aggressive way to communicate this initiative. Geocell supported a photo project of a young and talented photographer, Ania Goguadze (also in a wheelchair). This project was first presented in Tbilisi and later in different regions of the country. Geocell will be the first to have a specialized entrance at its premises. Besides acting as initiators for this type of communication means, this project also was a wonderful opportunity for the photographer to be better integrated and have a better professional carrier.
Therefore, various social projects initiated by Geocell for supporting communication and integration of people with limited abilities will stay to be the priority. The company intends to initiate more projects in this direction.
Thus, starting from a simple SMS tariff Geocell came to creating a global integration system, as an example, a model for other business companies in order to start getting involved in integration process as well.
Geocell – Member of TeliaSonera Group
One of the leading telecommunication companies in the world -TeliaSonera, represents the countries located in Northern Europe – the land of Mobile Communication. Sweden and Finland, the cradle of the first mobile phone, have built a strong basis for development of current Mobile Technology.
TeliaSonera has more than 135 million customers in 20 countries ranging from the Nordic region to the Baltic countries and Spain, and eastward to Eurasian operations and Georgia, where your network Geocell has its respectful place.
International experience of TeliaSonera and high professionalism of the local staff are the key factors to maintain the leading positions. Its world-class services and network guarantee the way to success.
TeliaSonera is committed to discovering and developing new opportunities worldwide, especially when it comes to new technologies and innovation. Today, TeliaSonera continues building on its heritage by becoming the first operator in the world to introduce the next generation of mobile technology – 4G. Mobile phones are becoming ‘all-purpose’ devices. Simplicity of using services under any environment is one of the priorities of TeliaSonera.
TeliaSonera employs thousands of people all over the continent and the companies under this powerful group offer the most successful social responsibility projects to society. TeliaSonera respects local cultures and operates based on the principle of giving back to society and supporting educational, cultural and sports initiatives.
Together with successful business operations, corporate responsibility is one of the key priorities for TeliaSonera. For 13 years of its existence, Geocell has always been a customer oriented company. It is famous for its loyal and innovative services and products. In addition to this, as a member of the TeliaSonera Group, Geocell is part of all the initiatives that are carried out by TeliaSonera in this direction. Geocell implements numerous projects that stir up positive attitudes not only within its customers but also in the public at large. The following social projects are a few examples of such initiatives: rehabilitation of Ikalto Monastery Complex, integration of people with limited abilities and their employment.
Numerous awards and prizes are the clear proof of the above said. Following are just a small list of it: the Best Refreshed Brand of the Year, Gold and Platinum Brand, the Best Company of the Year, Effective Marketing, the Best Public Relations and Charity.
This is the impressive list of all the awards, Geocell was granted with starting from the most recent ones going back to different periods of the company operation:
2010 Year
On March 9, during the 5th Golden Brand 2009 organized by Global idea and newspaper FINANCIAL awarding ceremony, Geocell was granted two prizes: Golden Brand and Platinum Brand of the year.
2010 Year
During the annual awarding ceremony called "Names and Faces" Geocell won in the nomination: "Brand of the Year".
2010 Year
Anti-Corruption Chamber of Georgia awarded Geocell and its CEO, Mr. Osman Turan for the valuable contribution in telecommunications, high professional activities and performing as the honest and law-abiding Company and CEO.
• 2009 Year
Geocell becomes the owner of the honorable title of The Best Business Company for the third time. It was an unprecedented case for Business National Award when on June 11 2009 Georgian Times and Gorbi International Research organization named Geocell as the Best Business Company of the Year for the third time and its General Manager, Osman Turan – as the Best Businessman of the year.
• 2008 Year
On March 6, Global Idea and newspaper FINANCIAL with the support of Chamber of Commerce of Georgia and AmCham arranged the traditional Golden Brand 2008 – awarding ceremony of the best brands of 2008. Geocell was awarded with Golden Brand in telecommunication field for the 4th time. This year a new award was introduced – a Platinum Brand (for being recognized the best among all the brands). Geocell became the owner of the Platinum Brand as well
• 2007 Year
Georgian Times and International research organization GORBI named Geocell, for the second time, best Business Company of the year, and General Director Osman Turan of the company was awarded with the Best BusinessMan title
• 2007 Year
Newspaper FINANCIAL and marketing research center “Global Idea” awarded Geocell with Golden Brand title.
• 2006 Year
On January 26 was held competition of "Golden Brand 2006", organized by company "Global idea" and newspaper FINANCIAL in "Courtyard Marriot". Geocell was awarded with "Golden Brand" in nomination "mobile communications"
• 2005 Year
Research company Gorbi Gallup International Center made yearly research and Geocell was nominated as the best company of the year. The General Director of the company, Osman Turan, was awarded with the Best BusinessMan title. Geocell was also nominated as the best for marketing, finance, public relations and for its Marketing Communications
• 2005 Year
Global Idea and FINANCIAL newspaper conducted joined research and identified that bankers favorite GSM company is Geocell
• 2004 Year
The Nominee diploma at the GSM World Congress, for the Earthquake project (nomination – Mobile and Society), where Geocell presented the second project as well – the best commercial (Commercial of the Roaming service)
• 2003 Year
Special prizes- Media Holding Georgian Times and “Gorbi” research association: Introduction of new technologies in communication field; Effective marketing; The best PR campaign and Charity.
• 2003 Year
Nominated for the Best Foreign Company- consortium “Georgian Business Lobby”
• 2002 Year
The most effective advertising campaign- Media Holding “Georgian Times”
• 2002 Year
The most popular communication company- Media Holding “Georgian Times”
• 2001 Year
The Grand-Prix in the nomination – public work and the First prize in the nomination – the best GSM advertisement. The World Congress in Cannes
• 2001 Year
The best PR campaign – Media Holding “Georgian Times”
• 2001 Year
Gold medal for getting the best Business Company’s title
• 2000 Year
The most charitable company – “Media Holding”, “Georgian Times”
• 2000 Year
The most effective advertising campaign
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