The FINANCIAL — United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed seven new Members to the Board of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative.
The new Board members are:
Mr. Gustavo Perez Berlanga, President, Global Compact Local Network Mexico
Mr. Henrik O. Madsen, Chief Executive Officer, DNV GLÂ
Mr. Francesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer, General Manager and Director, Enel
Mr. Yaya W. Junardy, President, Indonesia Global Compact Network
Ms. Linda Kromjong, Secretary-General, International Organisations for Employers
Mr. Cobus De Swardt, Managing Director, Transparency InternationalÂ
Ms. Inger Andersen, Director General, International Union for Conservation of Nature
Chaired by the Secretary-General, the UN Global Compact Board was created in 2006 as a multi-stakeholder body to provide strategic and policy advice for the initiative as a whole and to make recommendation to the UN Global Compact, participants and other stakeholders. With members representing business, civil society, labour, and the United Nations, the Board also oversees implementation of the UN Global Compact’s integrity measures, under which more than 4,000 companies have been de-listed for not communicating on progress made in the implementation of the Global Compact principles. In the next month, some additional Board appointments are anticipated.
The first meeting of the reconstituted Global Compact Board will take place on 25 June in New York, in connection with the 15-year anniversary of the UN Global Compact, according to Global Compact.
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