It is estimated that most trafficked victims from Georgia leave the country through their own social networks or criminal intermediaries, often linked to organised crime. There is evidence, however, that private employment agencies, if left unregulated, can become part of the modus operandi of the trafficking crime, including agencies that recruit under disguise, such as travel, entertainment, model or other agencies. Law abiding private employment agencies can play a key role in facilitating legal migration, but they often have to compete against illegitimate recruiters.
The ILO Project Office Caucasus organizes a workshop on “Recruitment agencies in the context of labour migration, trafficking in human beings, and forced labour” to discuss these problems with relevant stakeholders in Georgia and with an international expert on recruitment agencies from ILO.
The workshop is organized in the framework of the regional ILO-OSCE-ICMPD project “Development of comprehensive anti-trafficking response in South Caucasus”. The project envisages inter alia analysing of functioning and problems of the private recruitment industry, gaps in legislation, monitoring and enforcement. In the framework of the project an assessment of the recruitment industry in Georgia was prepared. The draft report will be presented at the workshop for the participants’ comments. The invited expert will provide input to the discussion on future developments of the recruitment industry in Georgia, based on the Guide to Private Employment Agencies Regulation developed by the ILO and on experience from other countries. The outcomes of the workshop will feed into the final assessment of private employment agencies.
The workshop will take place at Hotel “Ambasadori” on 12 March 2008 from 09:00 to 18:00. Please see the agenda of the workshop attached. Simultaneous interpretation into English and Georgian will be provided. Please confirm your participation to Ms. Ia Dadunashvili, National Programme Coordinator, at email or via phone at 25 04 42.
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